What Are You Going To Do Differently? Vivyd Article

I have done nothing but asked question after question of you this year. I’m so nosy ๐Ÿ˜†. Truth is, these are the questions I have been asking myself. I felt that if I needed to get to the bottom of things, I couldn’t be the only one. Based on conversations I have been having with people, I’m not. Which led me to present these questions to you. In this Vivyd Magazine article, my question is, “What are you going to do differently?”


I realize that I am anti-social and I play small. Okay, I have known I was anti-social majority of my life. I have also known that I play small. I am a really private person and I like my peace. I guess what I actually realized is, I cannot step into my greatness being this version of myself. I want to be known, yet I don’t socialize and stay in the background. I want people to know my message of self-love and acceptance, but I don’t talk about it outside of my blog or articles. What am I going to do differently? Honestly, I don’t have the particulars worked out at this point. I will start with opening up my social media pages and updating my old ass pictures ๐Ÿ˜†. From there, I will post on my pages. I know these adjustments may sound minor to you, but to my ultra private ass, they are major.

So after reading the article, is there anything that you need to do differently? If you are happy with your life and you are in a great place, congratulations, no action needed. For the rest of us, what’s the plan? What steps can you take today to get started? Feel free to comment down below or send an email with the changes you plan to make. I’m rooting for you! Stay well and whole. Much Love ๐Ÿงก ๐Ÿ’š

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