Well…a boat would be nice so I can bob around like the ducks. Or a residence on the water so this could be my view every day. Lol. Guess I’ll settle for this perfect day for now.
I have had some mentally and emotionally draining last few weeks. Usually I’m pretty good at handling things but not this time. I mean I’m not messed up or on the verge of a breakdown. Just not thinking and creatively numb. What the hell? I started a blog because I have so much to say and then to not be able to say it is weird. Also, I think I just got out of the routine of waking up and writing with a fresh, unburdened mind. Now in this moment looking at the subtle movements of the water and this clear blue sky, I feel some of the pressure releasing off my chest. I don’t exactly feel like me but, I feel better.
I recommend getting away from your thoughts and going to your favorite place. Rejuvenate your soul and find the peace that makes you whole. Or at least what takes off some of the pressure. There is nothing like it. There are some things in life that are truly unavoidable. And when you come across these things, these situations plus our own negative self talk and problems we have created for ourselves, how do you handle them? How do you balance yourself out? Whatever works for you, make sure you do it. We have to present our best selves to the world. It is what we are meant to do and meant to be. Our best is what allows others to be their best. We smile, laugh, inspire, encourage, uplift. Someone needs you. Don’t let your light stay dimmed. I had a friend and coworker read my blog for the first time recently. She told me how she really enjoyed it. That she laughed and she cried. That is exactly how I wanted people to be affected by my simple and true words. By me exposing some of my vulnerability. By letting my light shine. Don’t go too long without taking care of self. I may be the person who needs your light. When I think about it, it’s probably your fault that my light was dimmed. Dammit! Get yourself together right now. Lol. Seriously, be well and whole, the world needs you at your best.
I love you sweet Ebony. Miss you.
I love you too! We have got to get together soon. Hope all is well with you
I love you sweet Ebony. Miss you.