Now I just have to take all the others back to the store. Lol.
I am great at thinking first thing in the morning. I have some of my best ideas and it is easy to come up with topics to write about on this blog and future ones. My mind is clear. I can remember all of the things from yesterday that was lost due to thought after thought piling on top like dirty clothes in a laundry basket. I guess it is when God can get to me. Well one Tuesday morning I came up with the title for this new year. I was laying in bed trying to go back to sleep because I had the day off and I wanted to be lazy. But it wasn’t happening. It was time to put a name to this year.
So I used to watch this show called Lucky Dog every Saturday morning. I do not have an antenna right now so I only watch my subscriptions like Hulu, Netflix and Amazon Video. Lucky Dog stars Brandon McMillian and whatever little or big dog he saved from the pound that week. He would take them home to the Lucky Dog Ranch and patiently trained them for their forever home. It is a great heartwarming show and I love his technique. I will definitely use it when I get a dog. And right now I am going to use it on myself. He calls it the 7 common commands when training the dog. The commands are Sit, Stay, Down, Come, Off, Heel and No. And that clear minded morning these commands made sense for me. This is how each command will work in my life.
Sit still. I know that I am always going and going. I may even notice that something is wrong but I do not stop long enough to evaluate it or fix it. So this year, I am going to stop and sit. Allow my thoughts to slow down. Sit and relax. Release the tension. Sit and look within. How can I be better? What is not working? Sit and listen. Whether it is to audiobooks, podcasts or a word from God. I will successfully start meditating this year. Lol
Stay the course. I know what I want to do with my life. I need to stick to my Plan A and believe there is no other option. I have a tendency to talk myself out of what I really want. To think that cannot happen for me, to me. That is what I need to change. I want a “Why Not Me?” attitude when thinking about my dreams and goals. I am worthy and I deserve for good things to happen to me. So this year, I will continue to work on my dreams and not deviate from this path.
Down time. This is the time that I will just enjoy spending with friends. Laughing, eating and drinking. Smoking cigars. Going to Dave and Buster’s. One of my favorite places but I haven’t been in a long time. Doing as Dr. Brene Brown says, play. As she says in her audiobook, adults tend to focus on working, doing stuff for the kids and think that any down time should be filled with other tasks and chores. They don’t know what play is or take the time to do it even if they know what it is. I will play as hard as I work. Using my down time to connect with people and also to recharge my batteries. It is needed.
Come away from anything and anyone who is not serving me. I have difficulty walking away from things that don’t serve me well. I wallow in my bad habits and make up excuses as to why I don’t stop them. This year I want to cut out dairy because I am lactose intolerant and cut down on my sugar intake. All the fun foods. Lol. But I know that both are having a negative effect on my body. Just like the stress that comes with negative situations is having an effect on my mental health. I will come to a better place and state of mind this year.
Off to travel and try new things. There was a few places I wanted to go and activities that I wanted to do last year that I never got to do. This year my goal is to go kayaking, skydiving and on another solo birthday trip. I will have a GoPro to record all my activities to share on this here blog. I am looking forward to these adventures and any other spontaneous ones as well. Off to places I have never seen and putting stamps on my passport.
Heel, walk with God. I am so quick to go my own way, not consulting God. Trying to find the solution. Not giving God an opportunity to work in my life. This year I want to recognize and accept God’s timing. I am going to slow down and walk beside Him. I am going to allow God to order my steps. I want all that God has for me.
No to allowing people to be inconsiderate and disrespectful of me and my time. Especially my family members. Now I am not a yes person but I do find myself doing shit I am not in agreement with because you do things for people you love. This past year has taught me I don’t want to do it anymore. It is time to cut some people off and make them grow the fuck up and stand on their own two feet. There will be people affected by this decision on so many levels. It will be an adjustment but I am sure they will be alright. I know I will be.
I have so many plans for this year. I am so excited as I am every new year. Lol. I would say the difference this year is that last year was so bad. Hell this past decade was wack! When you look back at 10 years and can only find 3 – 4 things that you are proud of, that hurts. I could have done those 4 things in a year, easy. This weekend while working on the 2 books I am writing I came across this quote.
“The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.” -Ayn Rand
This is my new motto. The person that is usually stopping me is me. Who can relate? I will no longer allow anyone, including and especially myself, to stop me. I am done asking for permission or acceptance to be myself. I have to be the person God created me to be. The world needs the one element only I can provide. And I want each and everyone of you to know the same is true for you. The world needs you too.
I don’t know what your plans, dreams or goals are for 2020. If you want to share them with me feel free. I will include you in my prayers when I pray for my own. If you don’t want to share that’s fine too. I know they have a new saying, “Work in silence.” Whatever your thing is I accept it. No matter what, I am always hoping, believing and praying for the best for you. I am one of your cheerleaders. Whatever you decide to do this year believe you are worthy and deserving because you are! Be well and whole. It is one of your greatest weapons in this battlefield of life. Love you all ♥️!