Socially Awkward or No Filter

I am always and I mean always saying something out of place. I can’t remember exactly how I was when I was younger. I am sure I was the same way, but now in my life, smh. I would describe myself as socially awkward. My good friend Monica said it is more of a lack of filter. Now I can admit that my filter slips. Like I said I’m an 80/20, with 80 being the times the filter is in place. So I’m not sure if that fits me in particular. I am leaning toward socially awkward because I struggle in the real world. Lol. Oh let me count the ways.
For one, I suck at small talk. After the greetings, I’ll just stand there. Like what the hell am I suppose to say? I don’t want to talk about the weather or any damn thing else that doesn’t really matter. News 👎🏾. Hell I can’t give you any more examples because I just don’t partake in it. Unless the other person continues to ask me questions, then I respond and may repeat back the same questions 🤦🏾. I would be prone to ask something serious or none of my business. The awkward part comes in even more when I do that. Half the time I don’t even realize I overstepped. My inefficiency to hold small talk works against me on dating websites as well. He says hi or something else stupid, I say hi. He asks a question. I never respond. Once again what do you say?
Second, I am direct and blunt. Not many sweet words from me. I say it directly in an effort to eliminate misunderstandings. I dislike misunderstandings. I want you to know exactly what I meant. Now with that being said. Sometimes people get it, sometimes they don’t. Unless they are really close to me, either way it goes, they are probably offended. I even offend the people close to me. I try really hard to find ways to say it nicely. Usually, I just say fuck it and just say it the way I’m thinking it. Or I don’t say it at all. Not sure which one is worse.
Third, I stare. Like in an uncomfortable way. Even though I really don’t like people, they fascinate me. I am always trying to figure out why they did something. How they interact with others. It’s interesting. Most times this leads me to stare because I am watching so intently. If you see me looking at you in this way, don’t be offended. I am fascinated by you. This is a good thing. Take my word for it. Lol
Fourth, I don’t know how to flirt or when someone is flirting with me. Occasionally I will pick up on it without someone having to point it out, but most times I’m oblivious. I am the type of person that would just want to say, “Im interested in you. What’s up?” Yes, I know it doesn’t work that way, but why not!?!?! I don’t want to work that hard with the flirting. I look, he looks. We make eye contact. I hold it for a second and then look away. Or I look, he looks. I give a smile and then look away. This is actually probably the worst flirting technique. I smile all the fucking time. Guys are always going to think I’m flirting when in reality, I’m just being friendly 😩. Now how do I get myself out of it when he comes to talk to me and I am totally not interested in him? Somebody, anybody? The linger look is just as bad. Remember I said I stare. I was watching you not flirting, go away. Lol
Fifth, I talk to myself. Yes all the time, about everything. I am talking right now as I am writing this 😂😂😂. It used to be a stigma to talk to yourself. Actually, I’m pretty sure it still is because people always ask who am I talking to. My usual response is whoever is listening. But I’m really just talking to myself.
Sixth, like I said in the post “Today’s Reflections”, I wear headphones a lot. Grocery shopping, clothes shopping, walking around my apartment, on lunch at work, doing yard work, at the library, etc. You name it, I probably have headphones on. I wore them in the tub the other day. Lol. Yes, I know that it is weird. I don’t care. I didn’t want to get my phone wet. Like I said before it is not always effective at stopping people from talking to me, they don’t care. However, headphones are effective for listening to music. I love music. I feel like it makes anything that I have to do in life better.
I am pretty sure I could come up with more examples to solidify my social awkwardness but I think I proved it at this point. This does not negate the issues I have with my filter. But I feel like I have that mostly under control. Well except for last week. I may label that as a socially awkward moment. I am sure there is people that would disagree with me in regards to my filter. People being my friends. But I am not suppose to have a filter with them. They are the people that I can truly be myself with.
Well I think I am going to stop talking before I scare everyone off. Lol. Embrace your quirks and continue to be well and whole.

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