Ebony’s Playlist: What’s on Repeat, Ep. 1

I know, I know. Long time no write. I have so many excuses, but I won’t use any of them. I’ll just get my act together and start writing. That is the only answer.

As I mentioned in one of my long ago post, Life, Spotify called me out for listening to a song 225 times. I was new to Spotify so they didn’t know how I do things. I was offended, but I’m over it. I just love music and when a song speaks to me, I can’t help myself. I sing them and tell my friends about them. And now, I’m going to start telling you all 😆. Welcome to Ebony’s Playlist 🎶. I will introduce you to the songs that I listen to 225 times or more. Hopefully, you will find one or two you may want to add to your playlist.

Episode 1 features just a few of my favorites. Break up songs, a love song, and a soundtrack song. My playlist jumps all over the place. I guess Spotify has gotten used to me because I am sure I have played most of these songs an equal amount of times to 225 or more, and I haven’t received any alerts.

Love No More (Acoustic) – Juice


The violin, the piano, the vocals. This song makes me want to cry and fall in love all at the same time. It is one of those hauntingly beautiful songs.  Do not, I repeat DO NOT listen to the original song. I’m sure I had heard it before, but I don’t remember it. For good reason. I consciously listened to it after I listen to this masterpiece and it is lacking. It is a more uptempo song and you don’t get the feel of what he is singing about. Best decision they made was to create this version. If you don’t feel anything when you hear this song, you are heartless. 😆

Brandy – Full Crate featuring Kyle Dion
When I say I love this song, I mean I LOVE this song. I have played it the fuck out and I can still listen to it on repeat. This song came out in 2020 during Covid and I have to believe that is the only reason it didn’t get to shine. I have created a whole video in my head to this song. Over the course of listening to it, I have fixated on different lines and would start the song over to hear that part again. When it is all said and done, I have finally selected my favorite line. Second verse, first line, “You’re like my favorite, can I keep you?” Hehehe, I think I would actually fall for this line if a man said it to me. I am so tickled by it.

Does That Mean You’re OK? – Asha Gold


This song is new to my playlist, but I am well on my way to listening to it as many times as the others. I don’t know why I like this song so much. I think I just like her voice. She is singing about a break up and honestly, I can’t relate. I even fuss at her when I listen, “Like, girl, he’s okay”. Yet, I do understand how a break up can be hard on people. She describes the thoughts and feelings well. So well, that I think I will stay single, in order to not feel like that 🙅🏾‍♀️.

Better Place (Family Harmony) – Trolls: Band Together Soundtrack


Now hear me out on this one. It is two versions of this song. It is the one with the voice actors from the movie and the other is Justin Timberlake singing with his group members from N’Sync. Skip the N’Sync version and listen to the version from the movie. It starts off as a slowed down acapella and the harmonies are everything. It is my favorite part. Then it picks up pace and the voices just go so well with each other. Camilla Cabello’s “I’m so excited to see you excited” is just perfect. You need to listen on repeat for two reasons. One, it is a short song and it is over way too soon. Two, it is so many layers to this song, you will not pick up on them just listening to it once.

If you have a Spotify membership, you can follow me at this link,


There will be a playlist called Ebony’s Playlist with all the songs I have mentioned in this post. I will continue to add songs I feature on this blog.

Let me know if you liked any of the songs I have highlighted. And please feel free to share songs from your playlist that you love. I am always looking for new music. Continue to be well and whole. Much Love 🧡💚


I feel like our parents wasn’t specific enough when we were kids about adulthood. They would say things like, “Enjoy being a kid while you can.” “Don’t rush to grow up.” Yeah, we needed more details. This adult shit is not cool. I mean we couldn’t have avoided it, yet we could have been, I don’t know, a lot more reluctant to embrace it. Stayed at our parents house a little longer. Saved more money. Travel when we didn’t have real responsibilities. Planned better. Something dammit! But here we are, an adult till the day we die. Just in the world, lost as fuck 😂.

Okay, I know everyone doesn’t feel this way, but I’m sure it is a good amount of people who do. I have spent so much time lately being introspective about my life. Where I have been, where I am and where I want to be. I can’t say I am happy about any of it. Okay, that is not true, I have had some great moments in this long life. Yet, I feel like if I had taken a left instead of a right here and there, I could have had more great moments. Who knows where I would be. Maybe exactly where I am right now or not. Looking back, I definitely would have been more open to experiencing life in other places and meeting all types of people. I probably would have been either a hoe or a virgin 🤷🏾‍♀️😂.

There is a song I have been obsessed with called Beautiful Things by Benson Boone. I mean I played the fuck out of that song. Maybe not as much as Workin’ on Lovin’ by Juice, which Spotify was so kind to tell me 😂. 

Seriously Spotify!

Anyway, there is a part in the song where he says, “And I think I might have it all.” Have you ever felt that way? As I look back on my life, I can’t think of a time when all areas of my life was in alignment. When I felt like it was too good to be true or I was afraid that it wouldn’t last. I’m not upset about it. I just know I want that. I want that level of contentment. To look at my life and say, “Damn this is what I wanted. I’m living in the moment I prayed for.” I do believe that it is still possible. I just have no clue of when it is going to happen.

I have spent way too much time in my thoughts and not writing them down. The more I tell myself I need to write, the less I have the desire to write. I don’t know what is going on, but I know I need to get it together y’all. I hope this posts finds you well and whole. Much love to you all 🧡💚

Here is the songs I mentioned in the post. Maybe you will enjoy them as well.



I love this live version.

MS Walk 2024

Another year, another MS Walk. The MS Walk was held in Toledo on Sunday, May 19th. Unfortunately, I didn’t plan my trip home well and I left out on my way back to South Carolina on the day of the walk. One of these days, I will grow up and get my life together. My soul sister, BT, attended the walk as she does every year in support of Denise (my cousin who is also affected by multiple sclerosis) and I. She also was so gracious as to hand out the blankets I made for individuals living with MS.




I don’t know either of the people she chose, but I am happy she let God lead her to the right people. BT came through with other pics for me to share of the walk.






I am so grateful to BT for her support each year in bringing awareness to the life-changing disease that is multiple sclerosis. Thank you my friend and soul sister. Thank you to everyone that checks in on me throughout the year and makes sure I am okay. I am okay, but I also know it is okay to not be okay. And some days I am not okay. But I will always push through. Don’t stop checking on me though. Be well and whole. Much love 🧡💚