MS Walk Toledo 2023, Part 2

This post is long overdue. I know yā€™all are tired of my little black ass and all my excuses. I donā€™t even have one this time. I quit with the excuses. Iā€™m the problem šŸ˜«. We all know the first step is admitting you have a problem. So hopefully I can move on from here. Fingers crossed.

Recently, I was in Cleveland by way of Toledo to celebrate my friend Selenaā€™s 45th birthday.

Of course, the rest of the crew was there. Arenā€™t we cute šŸ˜.

Photo Bomber: Adaris Parr

Then came back to Toledo Sunday morning in time to make the MS Walk and surprise my soul sister Bea Tea. Bea Tea does the walk every year in support of me and my cousin Denise. I am so thankful and grateful for her. Listen, when I tell yā€™all I was tired as hell at work on the Monday and every other day that week once I returned. Iā€™m too old for the burn and turn and staying up way past my normal bedtime. I think I have officially recovered šŸ˜†.

This MS walk was exactly what I needed. My team was small, but I was touched by everyone who attended. Honorable mention: my friend Melinda couldnā€™t make it to the walk, but she stopped by after the walk.

L to R: Vee, Bea Tea, Gerard, Me (of course), Sheron

And yā€™all know I had to crochet an MS blanket for the walk in my hometown. Once I realized I would be in town the same weekend as the walk, I got busy. I worked hard on this one! I knew I wanted to give it to this beautiful woman, Joy Norwood, and she is tall so I made it bigger than normal size.

Look at the little heart šŸ’œ.

I made my first MS blanket to give to an MS warrior in 2017. I wasnā€™t sure of the process I would use to choose the person to give the blanket to. I just wanted God to lead me to that person. God led me to Tina Santiago. I reunited with Tina and her team and we took an updated picture.

Tina also gave me a few more crosses that her dad, who is 100 years old, carved out of wood. He has officially retired from making crosses, but he has made 32,700. I am so honored to be a recipient of 1 out of 32,700.

All in all, one of the best MS walks hands down. Iā€™m excited about next yearā€™s walk. I will get organized and have a team and t-shirts. I even have someone in mind to give a blanket to.

After my last post a thousand years ago, I have had so many people pour into me. My friend Sherry sent me a response text and I have thought about what she wrote a lot. My friend Gerard stays blowing my head up with his encouraging words šŸ˜„. My best friends have supported me and reminded me that my voice is important and needed. Honestly, it has been making me emotional and I donā€™t do that. Okay, maybe just a little. I canā€™t tell you all how much it means to me. And that is why I do not have anymore excuses.

I canā€™t say how often I will post, but I know it will be more regularly. I canā€™t say what I will talk about. It may be a pity party or something inspirational. I just know I canā€™t stay silent any longer. I have something to say,ā€¦well a lot of things actually. Stay well and whole. Much Love šŸ§”šŸ’š

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