MS Walk 2024

Another year, another MS Walk. The MS Walk was held in Toledo on Sunday, May 19th. Unfortunately, I didn’t plan my trip home well and I left out on my way back to South Carolina on the day of the walk. One of these days, I will grow up and get my life together. My soul sister, BT, attended the walk as she does every year in support of Denise (my cousin who is also affected by multiple sclerosis) and I. She also was so gracious as to hand out the blankets I made for individuals living with MS.




I don’t know either of the people she chose, but I am happy she let God lead her to the right people. BT came through with other pics for me to share of the walk.






I am so grateful to BT for her support each year in bringing awareness to the life-changing disease that is multiple sclerosis. Thank you my friend and soul sister. Thank you to everyone that checks in on me throughout the year and makes sure I am okay. I am okay, but I also know it is okay to not be okay. And some days I am not okay. But I will always push through. Don’t stop checking on me though. Be well and whole. Much love 🧡💚



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