Me, Pt. 1

If I am going to write a blog, I feel like I should tell a little about myself. As I write each week, you will definitely learn more and more things about me. Here is Part I. My name is Ebony Sims and I am 39 years old. I by no means look my age, even though I am not sure what a 39 year old is suppose to look like. I am single, never married or lived with anyone besides my family members. I don’t have children, just a dog, LaRaye aka Lala bka Stinky aka Boo Boo, who has lived with my stepdad for the last 12 years. I am not a terrible dog mom, I just work a lot. He is retired so he can give her all the love and attention she needs. I have not found my purpose and I am consumed with it right now in my life. I do not want to die with whatever greatness God put in me unfulfilled. I am totally aware of things that I am not good at or don’t like, but not sure of what gifts that I have to give.

I love to write but I am not really good at it. I usually think great thoughts but when I go to write them down, it doesn’t come out the same way. I have always wanted to sing but alas I do not have a singing voice. That is probably saying it nicely. But I am kind of determined to master one song well and sing it to my husband at our reception. Lol. I am currently obsessed with being myself and Lisa Nichols. I am the kind of person that is not too many people’s cup of tea, coffee or whatever your favorite drink is. I am really nice professionally but when I am on my time, I don’t want to be that person. I want to be the foul mouthed, outspoken, sarcastic individual that I am in my head. I want to surround myself with people who love and accept me just the way I am right now, not who they want me to be or see me to be. Let’s just say I have pretty much had the same friends since elementary, junior high and high school. I have successfully picked up one other female friend since then. Now I am not including my soul sisters, who attend the same church. I love them dearly. And of course my barbershop family. Those are my people. I love to hang out with them and just act totally ignorant. So I guess I can say that I have accomplished my goal of surrounding myself with people who accept me. Sometimes things are not noticed until put in writing.

The goal that I have left then is to be open to meeting the man that loves me the same way that all these incredible people do. I didn’t say find because I really feel like he should find me. I want one of those moments where he sees me and he feels this overwhelming urge to meet me. And then I of course am attracted to him and feel that I can totally be myself, which I proceed to do and he does not regret that he came over to talk to me. Lol. Or something like that. And no, I do not expect to meet him at a bar. If that was a requirement, I would probably never meet him being as I don’t frequent bars. I always wonder if the person that I will spend the rest of my life with has already crossed my path. Not necessarily someone that I have dated before but maybe someone that I seen in passing. At the grocery store, the library, 7Eleven. I go to 7Eleven every morning for coffee, so I have a pretty good chance of meeting him there. Lol. I didn’t say the gym because I frequent there less than bars. Someday I guess.

Part I is done. I am starting to get excited about my blog again. So more post to come and hopefully sooner rather than later. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to share.


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