I won’t bore you with all the intricacies of crocheting but I will bless you with some pictures of blankets that I have completed. This will be my third year at my job and I have crocheted a blanket each year for our gift exchange. This year will be the same gift but different design. Here are the two previous blankets.
Of course this is the blanket that I made for the MS walk this year. I will be doing another one for the walk in 2018 as well.
I have made blankets for babies, kids and grown ups.
Here is my masterpiece that I created for myself. I have another that I will make but it is a little intricate so I am being lazy about it. Got all 170 plus squares made but not put together yet. One of these days.
I used to be a part of a crochet ministry at my church. We made blankets for the sick and shut-in, our pastor, and for the pastor of individuals who were in our ministry but didn’t attend our church.
Ok my mom made this last one but she did it as part of the crochet ministry. I believe the funds from the sale was used to purchase more yarn for the ministry.
The one thing that I want to do but have not started is creating blankets for the homeless. That will be my main focus next year once I finish my MS walk blanket. I have put it off long enough. I am even thinking about starting a ministry to teach others to crochet and have them help to make blankets. Or squares to combine together to make blankets. The squares are usually a challenge because everyone crochets a little different, but we can make it work.
With that being said, anyone interested in learning to crochet? I will provide the yarn and the crochet tools to get you started. Like all posts, feel free to leave a comment or email me at elsims27@yahoo.com. If you are interested in learning to crochet, you can text me at 419-213-9391. I didn’t usually answer numbers I don’t know so that is why I didn’t suggest calling.