Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

We women have a problem. Especially black women. We feel that if we rejoice in our perfectly imperfect selves that it can be perceived as conceited, arrogant or prideful. After having a conversation with my mom about a shirt she purchased, I feel that I had to acknowledge this issue. The shirt had a woman with an afro and the word Flawless. I was like that sounds cute. She agreed but was hesitant to wear the shirt because she said as a woman of God, she does not want to be perceived as arrogant. What!?! Just from wearing a shirt? She continues saying that as Christians, we should be humble and a light for God. We SHOULD be humble and a light for God to show others the true meaning of Christianity. Does that also mean we should not acknowledge and rejoice in the person that God has created us to be? I am sorry Mom, I don’t think that the two are related. Of course, I shared my opinion with her on this topic.

This conversation with my mother has continued to come up in my mind over the last few days. I am disturbed by it. I am a little angry about it as well. I wonder how many women are walking around, for various reasons, not celebrating themselves. Not having the self-esteem or the self-confidence to know that they are awesome. That no matter what the media portrays or society says, they are beautiful just the way God created them. What the hell is wrong with us? Men will walk around all day, every day feeling like they are the shit. That they are worthy of having two or more women at a time and we should be happy to have them. Not bashing, but y’all know this is true. And we women, are out here with low self-esteem thinking we can’t do the same! Lol. Ok just kidding about that. Seriously though, we are worthy of whatever our hearts desire. We are worthy of being called beautiful and we can humbly reply with a Thank You. We can feel flawless with our hair in an afro or any other natural style. Or feel flawless with our hair straighten or with a weave. Who the hell makes up these rules? And why are we following them blindly?

Remember when our big lips and our big butts (I know I don’t have one, lol) were looked down upon. Now these are features being celebrated. What is going to happen when these same features are no longer “acceptable”? We should have always been accepting and loving these things about ourselves. And we should continue to love them when they are no longer in style. It is time to stop allowing others to determine our self-worth. What is flawless, what is beautiful, what is acceptable. To know that if you are happy with little breasts, flat ass, thin lips or any other features that are frowned upon, you are doing great. To not just accept these things, but to love them is not arrogant. To wear a shirt that says Flawless and has an afro on it is not prideful. To know my self-worth and demand to be treated on a level that is congruent with my value is not conceited. To ask me to accept anything less is disrespectful.

I have a shirt that I purchased from my fave store, Target, that says “Know Your Worth”. If I could wear it every day I would. Hell if they made it in different colors I would purchase one for every day of the week. I am here for the revolution of women. For us, holding our heads up and straighten our backs, demanding what we want from the world. God has deemed us worthy. He has created us to bring life into this world, to stand beside our significant others, to learn and master many types of skills to further this world. We are resilient and powerful. We are made beautiful by God’s design. Intelligent and wise. Loving and forgiving. Deserving of love, acceptance, praise, respect, consideration and everything else that our hearts desire and our minds can imagine. It is time that women start to realize these things. Humbly walk in God’s light with the self-confidence that he made YOU in his image. Be well and whole.

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Psalm 139:14

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