And It Goals Like This…


I was unable to get these videos to load for the last post so I am going to share them on this one. Finally, the Uprising.

The original video was 2 minutes 31 seconds. I cut parts out to share. I really hope that you are able to view them. It truly is a sight.

Another update. I decided I don’t like my planner. Lol, smh. I know this is ridiculousness at this point. So I am on the hunt for a new one. I don’t recommend ordering one online. It looked good in theory but the in person viewing left a lot to be desired.

Since writing my last post I have made a few decisions. I am terrible at making decisions especially big ones. I procrastinate and waver back and forth until a decision is made. Sometimes I finally make the decision but most times the circumstances makes the decision due to my inaction. Not a way to live. As Bodhi Sanders said, “Doing nothing is an action; not making a decision is making a decision.” Or we can go with, “In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing” as said by Theodore Roosevelt. Okay, last one. “Be decisive. Right or wrong, make a decision. The road of life is paved with flat squirrels who couldn’t make a decision.” 😂😂😂 I want to make my decisions right or wrong because it feels good when I take control of my life. I am currently on a life high from making all of those decisions.

I carried over a few goals from January to accomplish in the shortest month (lol) along with my February goals. On February 1st, I made 3 decisions. I guess I was overly ambitious. Sound about right for me. Lol. The thing is only one of them was a part of my goals for either month. And it was a partial goal. I purchased the desk but not the chair. One of my decisions wasn’t even a part of my goals at all. Smh. After my secular music hiatus, I woke up binge watching The Terrell Show Song Associations. Then I remembered I signed up for this video conference by Sonia Ricotti. Sonia Ricotti has a program called Unsinkable. I watched a portion of the movie a couple of weeks ago. The beginning was really sad but it did get better as it went on. She went through some really difficult things. She lost her mother, went through a divorce and was over $100,000 in debt. She was able to pull herself out of these dark times and it made her want to share the technique with others. I missed about 40 minutes by the time I tuned in. I came in on the part where she was doing the sales pitch for her program. Boring! I wanted to close it out and go back to The Terrell Show. Lol. But I stayed.

She went on to interview Bob Proctor, Lisa Nichols and Mary Morrissey. In between each interview, she did the sales pitch for her product. I’m not exactly sure when she pulled me in, but there I was purchasing her program. I think it was when she offered free tickets to a conference called Dreambuilders Live. One of my goals for this year was to attend a conference on personal development and here she is throwing them in as part of her program package. The Dreambuilder Live workshop is Mary Morrissey’s and it will be held in June in Virginia. I am excited because now that will help me accomplish two more goals. I can visit my friend Patty and see her cute little baby and also go on a trip. Now after I purchased my program, I did log off. Lol. I’ll get the rest of my info once I start the program.

I said all this to say, don’t get so set on your monthly goals that you do not allow things/situations to flow organically. I know that I have goals set to accomplish each month but if a goal I have for later in the year presents itself earlier, I am going to jump on it. I don’t want us to be discourage by things not happen on our timeline. The timeline is just a suggestion. It is bound to change. The most important thing is we accept the change, make adjustments and continue on the path to accomplish all of our goals. Since I have been experiencing this life high my perspective and mindset has improved. Don’t get me wrong, I am still working on my mindset. But I have been able to correct myself when negative thoughts start to enter my mind. I shoot that shit down! We are worthy and deserving of achieving the life we want to live. I will erase all doubts where this is concerned. Mindset shift.

What goals have you accomplished so far? Are any of them out of order? I am interested in how 2020 is going for you. You can comment below or send me an email at I am always praying and rooting for you. I want everyone to experience so many great things this year. I want the best for you! Continue to be well and whole and don’t let anything get you down. This is our year and I am not settling for anything less. Love you all.

Oh and one more thing, the title of this post is so cheesy but I don’t care 🤣🤣🤣.

And It Begins

I started to compose this post on Sunday morning. I went to my usual spot on the water in Point Place. There wasn’t any sun and it was a little chilly. When I got there the geese were MIA but there was a whole mega flock of seagulls really close to where I park. They are usually not this close. I sat on the passenger seat of my car and watched them for a little bit. I then began to write because that is why I came out there. As soon as I opened my Evernote note app, those little bastards started to rise up from the water. Now I have been trying to catch what I call “The Uprising” on camera for forever. I mean forever. And here they are right by me and I missed it. So I’m thinking they probably won’t do it again for a little while. Nope, as soon as I started to write, they are rising back up again. Ok now I’m mad 😡. So I sit there anticipating, when they are going to do it again. I can’t concentrate on my writing because I am hypervigilant trying to catch them at the beginning of the act. I did kind of catch it but not like I wanted to. I was finally like forget it! I had to go to the bathroom and at this point I wasn’t even writing anymore. After stopping at McDonald’s, I started to head home. Something said go back. This time I listened to that something.

I would like to share the video in length but it is too long and required editing. I have edited the video but now it is having problems with uploading. I will share it once I have everything worked out.

A couple of weeks ago I went to Walmart to get an oil change. I have gotten my oil changed there before without any issues. This time was different. Every resident at my apartment is given a parking permit windshield sticker to be recognized at the complex. I was instructed to put the sticker under where the oil change sticker would be located. I did that. There was plenty of room for the oil change sticker. Anyways, I leave from getting my oil change jamming to my music and I look up. What the fuck? My parking sticker is missing. There is a little oval spot UNDER the oil change sticker. I know that you are thinking the same thing I thought at that point. Why did he remove my sticker? It obviously was not in the way. And it says plain as day Parking Permit. No, they did not clean my windshield. No reason to touch it. At this point I just call the property manager and let her know what happened. She gives me a replacement sticker for free but let’s me know there will be a charge next time. I’m good with that.

I put the new sticker on and it is not sticking like the other one. It’s up there though. Later in the day, I am driving and talking to my friend Monica on the phone and I look up. Lol. You know it, the sticker is not there. Why???? I am praying that it fell somewhere in the car. At the stop lights I keep looking all around on the floor, don’t see it. Ughhh… now I am going to have to call the manager again and tell her I lost the one she just gave me. I don’t mind the cost but damn. Lol. I am like ok, when I get home I am going to do a thorough sweep of the car. Thank God in heaven above, it fell into the cubby hole on my door. I felt like I wanted to tape it to the damn windshield 😂😂😂. No other incidents since.

So today is the last day of my K-Love challenge. These last few days have been tough, especially today. My boy Terrell Grice dropped a whole album and 7 new episodes on his Yotube channel. I can’t remember if I have mentioned him before or not. Well, he is appreciative of music. All kinds of music just like me except he has an awesome YouTube channel that features little known and well known artist showcasing their skills. I’m still trying to figure out why God didn’t bless me with the ability to sing. Smh. I feel I was cheated. Lol. Anyways, his channel is called TERRELL and the shows are mainly Song Associations, but there is other content as well. Song association is when the artist is given a word and they have to sing a song with that word in the title or as a word in the song. Not only do you hear great singing but you will definitely get a few laughs as well. If you are a lover of music, I highly recommend you check his channel out. I am so excited to binge watch these new episodes and listen to the album tomorrow.

Another thing about only listening to Christian music is I cuss too much. I have found myself in the car fussing and cussing at these non drivers only to start singing one of these Christian songs. Ughhhh….what a contradiction. I told my mom that when this happens I usually cut that music off and listen to something else. She of course had another idea. More along the lines of stop cussing. I can go all day without cussing if I don’t get in the car. Once I am in the car it is like I am a different person. If someone else is driving and another driver does something stupid, I cuss even then 🤦🏾. I know, I know. I know my mom is right I just ain’t there yet. One day, maybe. I am just focused on getting other things together that seem a little more important.

Well here it is the last day of the month, January 31st. I was not overly ambitious with my goals. I did accomplish 2 out of 5 goals. I purchased my new TV stand and this will be my third post of the month. I did not get the screen fixed on my phone, create my vision board or get a new desk and chair. Not good but not bad either. I will just carry them over to next month. I only have 3 goals set for February. My goals are to get my GoPro ($100 left to go), master Microsoft Excel and purchase a new couch (my orange couch finally!!!). So I believe I can pull it off next month. I will not get down on myself for the things I did not complete. Shit happens. But I am determined to succeed at these goals because they are important to me.

How was your first month of the new year/decade? Did you have goals written out to accomplish by the end of the month? How successful were you? I hope that if you did not get this month’s goals all completed that you are not getting down on yourself. Just don’t give up and you will succeed. I believe this wholeheartedly. Continue to be well and whole. I am rooting for you! Love you all ♥️.

The Year of Sit, Stay, Down, Come, Off, Heel and No

I have been shopping for a yearly planner since before January 1st and even after. I have went to Target, Michael’s, TJ Maxx, Homegoods and Walmart. I purchased 3 planners in the stores and one on Amazon. No, I do not plan on keeping them all, I just couldn’t decide which one I wanted. Smh. I don’t know anyone who is as obsessive about their planner as I am. I found the perfect one last year. It had all of the components I wanted and it was within my price range. For my planner I need a pen holder (ultra important), a folder inside to hold my coupons and a strap or something to keep it closed. I also like some blank note pages but it is not mandatory. Each one of the planners that I found in the store had one or more of the elements but none of them had all. The planner I found on Amazon possessed them all. Just got it! Not in love but I’ll keep it. Here it is.

Now I just have to take all the others back to the store. Lol.

I am great at thinking first thing in the morning. I have some of my best ideas and it is easy to come up with topics to write about on this blog and future ones. My mind is clear. I can remember all of the things from yesterday that was lost due to thought after thought piling on top like dirty clothes in a laundry basket. I guess it is when God can get to me. Well one Tuesday morning I came up with the title for this new year. I was laying in bed trying to go back to sleep because I had the day off and I wanted to be lazy. But it wasn’t happening. It was time to put a name to this year.

So I used to watch this show called Lucky Dog every Saturday morning. I do not have an antenna right now so I only watch my subscriptions like Hulu, Netflix and Amazon Video. Lucky Dog stars Brandon McMillian and whatever little or big dog he saved from the pound that week. He would take them home to the Lucky Dog Ranch and patiently trained them for their forever home. It is a great heartwarming show and I love his technique. I will definitely use it when I get a dog. And right now I am going to use it on myself. He calls it the 7 common commands when training the dog. The commands are Sit, Stay, Down, Come, Off, Heel and No. And that clear minded morning these commands made sense for me. This is how each command will work in my life.

Sit still. I know that I am always going and going. I may even notice that something is wrong but I do not stop long enough to evaluate it or fix it. So this year, I am going to stop and sit. Allow my thoughts to slow down. Sit and relax. Release the tension. Sit and look within. How can I be better? What is not working? Sit and listen. Whether it is to audiobooks, podcasts or a word from God. I will successfully start meditating this year. Lol

Stay the course. I know what I want to do with my life. I need to stick to my Plan A and believe there is no other option. I have a tendency to talk myself out of what I really want. To think that cannot happen for me, to me. That is what I need to change. I want a “Why Not Me?” attitude when thinking about my dreams and goals. I am worthy and I deserve for good things to happen to me. So this year, I will continue to work on my dreams and not deviate from this path.

Down time. This is the time that I will just enjoy spending with friends. Laughing, eating and drinking. Smoking cigars. Going to Dave and Buster’s. One of my favorite places but I haven’t been in a long time. Doing as Dr. Brene Brown says, play. As she says in her audiobook, adults tend to focus on working, doing stuff for the kids and think that any down time should be filled with other tasks and chores. They don’t know what play is or take the time to do it even if they know what it is. I will play as hard as I work. Using my down time to connect with people and also to recharge my batteries. It is needed.

Come away from anything and anyone who is not serving me. I have difficulty walking away from things that don’t serve me well. I wallow in my bad habits and make up excuses as to why I don’t stop them. This year I want to cut out dairy because I am lactose intolerant and cut down on my sugar intake. All the fun foods. Lol. But I know that both are having a negative effect on my body. Just like the stress that comes with negative situations is having an effect on my mental health. I will come to a better place and state of mind this year.

Off to travel and try new things. There was a few places I wanted to go and activities that I wanted to do last year that I never got to do. This year my goal is to go kayaking, skydiving and on another solo birthday trip. I will have a GoPro to record all my activities to share on this here blog. I am looking forward to these adventures and any other spontaneous ones as well. Off to places I have never seen and putting stamps on my passport.

Heel, walk with God. I am so quick to go my own way, not consulting God. Trying to find the solution. Not giving God an opportunity to work in my life. This year I want to recognize and accept God’s timing. I am going to slow down and walk beside Him. I am going to allow God to order my steps. I want all that God has for me.

No to allowing people to be inconsiderate and disrespectful of me and my time. Especially my family members. Now I am not a yes person but I do find myself doing shit I am not in agreement with because you do things for people you love. This past year has taught me I don’t want to do it anymore. It is time to cut some people off and make them grow the fuck up and stand on their own two feet. There will be people affected by this decision on so many levels. It will be an adjustment but I am sure they will be alright. I know I will be.

I have so many plans for this year. I am so excited as I am every new year. Lol. I would say the difference this year is that last year was so bad. Hell this past decade was wack! When you look back at 10 years and can only find 3 – 4 things that you are proud of, that hurts. I could have done those 4 things in a year, easy. This weekend while working on the 2 books I am writing I came across this quote.

“The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.” -Ayn Rand

This is my new motto. The person that is usually stopping me is me. Who can relate? I will no longer allow anyone, including and especially myself, to stop me. I am done asking for permission or acceptance to be myself. I have to be the person God created me to be. The world needs the one element only I can provide. And I want each and everyone of you to know the same is true for you. The world needs you too.

I don’t know what your plans, dreams or goals are for 2020. If you want to share them with me feel free. I will include you in my prayers when I pray for my own. If you don’t want to share that’s fine too. I know they have a new saying, “Work in silence.” Whatever your thing is I accept it. No matter what, I am always hoping, believing and praying for the best for you. I am one of your cheerleaders. Whatever you decide to do this year believe you are worthy and deserving because you are! Be well and whole. It is one of your greatest weapons in this battlefield of life. Love you all ♥️!