Another Day To Make It Happen

The Sun Signaling A New Day
Today, I am doing my year in review. Yes, I realize that it was suppose to be done at the end of the year. Who cares? Lol. I wasn’t ready and now I am. My first couple of posts for 2020, “What Year Is This?” and “The Year of Sit, Stay, Down, Come, Off, Heel and No” were the shit. Not bragging…ok, maybe a little. But they were good. Lol. As I reread them I felt great. For once, I felt as if I had actually done something with my 365 days. Actually 366, it was a leap year. I did things. I lived even despite the challenges the pandemic brought. At the same time, I could have done more. Well it is a good thing I have another day to make it happen.
I had actually written out a few of my 2021 goals a few weeks ago. I had a few repeat goals from 2020 like skydiving, kayaking and a solo birthday trip. I did not get to do any of these activities last year. Most of my goals are new, kinda. There is a couple thrown in there from previous years. Those goals were never forgotten because in my heart they still mattered. And of course they were written down which served as a testament of the shit I still haven’t done. Lol. Well it is a good thing I have another day to make it happen.
This year I am living by the principles that I read in The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. And a couple other things which I will get to in a moment. The Four Agreements are as follows:
  1. Be Impeccable With Your Word
  2. Don’t Take Anything Personally
  3. Don’t Make Assumptions
  4. Always Do Your Best
Now don’t get me wrong, as I have stated before, I was not a fan of some things that he said in this book. But the agreements are solid. They make sense. And they have stuck with me every since I read the book. I want to be this person, so I will. Easy right? Pfffftttt, not at all. Well it is a good thing I have another day to make it happen.
The other 2 things I want to hone in on this year is focus and intention. As you can probably guess, one thing I did not master last year was meditation 😬. Oh my gosh, I struggle with this so much. I am mentally all over the place at all times. Even during sleep πŸ˜†. Meditation is not one of my goals this year, but focus is. I want to focus on one thought to completion and then began another. Not every day or every thought. But the ones that matter. The ones that have the ability to make me better. When I am making decisions. The thoughts that require my attention. Well, it is a good thing I have another day to make it happen.
My new planner has a monthly word and the one for January is Intention. Intention is an idea that you plan to carry out; a determination to do a specific thing. Well for one I intend to keep this new planner. Lol. It truly speaks to me and gave me something to work on. Intention applies to all my goals. I really like the concept that I can be intentional about my life. Life doesn’t just have to happen to me. Before last year, that is how I felt about my life. This year I will live with more intention. And it is a good thing I have another day to make it happen.
What do you want to make happen today? I know it’s corny but today is all we have. Did I make goals for the whole year? YES. Am I guaranteed to live it? NO. So what can I do today that will benefit me? Benefit others? What can I do that makes me happy? That leaves a mark? A good one that is πŸ˜†. As we continue on this journey called life, let’s live. I mean truly LIVE. Let’s cry (even though I dislike it). Let’s be vulnerable. Let’s laugh as loud as we want. Let’s sing and dance even if we don’t know how to do either of them. Let’s be who God intended us to be. It is power in accepting and loving yourself. It doesn’t mean there is not room for improvement. It just means appreciating the person you are and how far you have come on this journey. So live this day, as you are and make changes along the way. As always, be well and whole. Much love 🧑 πŸ’š

How Will You Serve?

How many people do you think is down there waiting on you? Needing you?

“Happiness is not a goal, it is a by-product…For what keeps our interest in life and makes us look forward to tomorrow is giving pleasure to other people.” – Eleanor Roosevelt, “You Learn By Living: Eleven Keys for a More Fulfilling Life”

As you are setting your goals for the new year don’t forget to include service to others. I believe that are purpose in life is to serve. How you serve is based on the gifts that were given to you. Each and every one of us is valuable. We have a contribution to give to this world and the people in it. How are you going to contribute this year? Think about it and then do it! We need your special brand of service. Don’t let us down. Be well and whole on this day. Much love 🧑 πŸ’š

Happy New Year – 2021

Where will this year take you?

Here we are the first day of 2021. Goals and resolutions are being set. Hope is springing anew in the hearts of many. People are declaring success in this new year. Changes that they want to accomplish physically and mentally. So many possibilities.

I have received numerous emails from self development gurus about goal setting, miracles, manifestations and finding your true love. I get it. Since people are full of hope and happiness for new beginnings, these gurus are trying to sell you the formula to make it happen. I am sure they all have good points that can benefit people. I have previously listened to webinars and was able to get valuable information. My issue is their advice may not be needed at this particular time. People are already fired up.

Statistics says less than 10% of people stick to their resolutions each year. What happens? Life happens. Tragedies, job loss, kids. People set unrealistic goals. They run out of steam. There are too many naysayers and not enough supporters. They complete a goal but don’t know the next step. The reasons/excuses are endless. Statistically 80% of resolutions fail by the second week of February. So I believe if these gurus stepped in towards the end of January/first week of February with all their helpful ideas and strategies, we may have more people who follow through with their goals and resolutions. Just a thought.

Encouragement, tools and support are so valuable in achieving goals. Every Friday that I am able to I attend a community call that is associated with a money mindset course I signed up for. Definitely one of the best decisions I made last year. The group as a whole wraps you up in their arms and hugs you. They cry with you. They call you out on your shit. They share with you resources to help you in any area of your life. They cheer you on when you accomplish a goal. This group has kept me going even in my weak moments. They have encouraged me to achieve even more than I thought possible. Who does this for you?

If you do not have a group of friends, peers or associates that inspire, encourage, celebrate and push you, find one. Find people who will hold you accountable. Find people who will not let you make excuses for slacking on your goals. Find a group who can set you down the right path when you aren’t sure what direction to go. Find a group that cheers and claps even for your small victories. One important thing that you MUST do when you find your group, share. Open up, be vulnerable and share your stories. Share your struggles and your doubts. Share your goals and your wins. I can tell you there is nothing like it.

Happy New Year everyone!!! I am so glad that you rocked with me through 2020 and I am looking forward to continuing to connect with you throughout 2021. The past year presented many ups and downs but WE MADE IT! We may be bruised and sore but we have skated across the finish line. We are now ready to run a different obstacle course with new challenges, pitfalls, walls to climb and dry stretches. I know that you all are up to the tasks. You have perseverance, resilence and an unbeatable spirit. As always I am rooting for you and your continued success. Be well and whole. Much love 🧑 πŸ’š