A Letter

Ebony, in her early twenties, was definitely not prepare for this life. She had no clue what she wanted or what laid ahead.

In Money Mind Academy, a course I took last year with Sean Croxton, we were given an exercise to write a letter to ourselves thirty years in the future. It was a slightly challenging exercise because I still didn’t (still dont’t) know what I wanted to be when I grow up. I do know how I want to live and that was the perspective I used when I wrote my letter. I was going through my notebook the other day and came across the letter. It was a pick me up. I have felt a little better since reading it. Yes, of course I’m going to share it. Y’all so nosy 😆. Here it is.

Dear Ebony,

I am not sure if you are at home sitting on the patio listening to the waves or traveling right now. I hope if you are crocheting, you aren’t working on too many projects at once. How many blankets have you made at this point? Hope you have continued to take pictures of them all. I am so jealous of your yarn room.

I envisioned this future. I designed that house, study/yarn room and all. Every time I did my visualization, I saw that view of the ocean. The moon at night. The wonderful husband that cooks. The love, respect, care and consideration between you and him. Though I was single and just opening my heart to love, I knew it was possible. I read relationship books. Learned things about myself . The things I needed to work on, the things that I loved. I grew to love myself with each new discovery and change that I made to be a better me. I watched seminars and attended courses to learn how to let abundance into my life. To get rid of my limiting beliefs. Based on a book I read in book club, I started to diligently set aside 10% of my income. I even gathered as many loose $1 as I could spare and put them in my house fund along with coins in my piggy bank.

I prayed for you. I prayed you would find your purpose. That you would be fulfilled and at the same time, serve others. That one of the main thoughts in your head would be the flame to spark the life that I wanted for you. I am so happy my prayers were answered. To see you now brings me so much joy. I am glad that I pushed through. That I made the necessary changes. That I believed  in myself. That I stopped letting other’s thoughts and opinions matter. That I got rid of limiting beliefs.

The journey I purposefully started at 42 years old was meant to get you where you are at 72 years old. We did it!

When I first read it, I thought I wouldn’t change a thing. Now, after typing it out in this post, I feel like so much is missing. I didn’t include the places I would traveling. I left out the activities my husband and I would experience together. I said nothing about the book I am writing and how it was received. No mention of the dogs I plan to have. Though the letter is beautifully written, I think I left it a little too generic. It makes sense why I wrote the letter that way. I was just getting to know myself a little better. Knowing myself even more, I want to write a new letter and date it for 5 years from now. Put it more into a short term perspective and I won’t have to wait 30 years to read it 😆.

Have you ever written a letter to your future self? If so, have you gone back and read it? I encourage you to do this exercise. It can get you to thinking about what you want to be true for your future. And hopefully set you on a plan of action to get there (more on this in the next post). Also, it will be great to read 10, 20 or thirty years later. To see what happened, what didn’t and what changed in your vision for your future self. No matter what you envision for future you, I hope that it includes being well and whole. Much love 🧡 💚.

A Beautiful Sunday Morning

This past Sunday I went to my favorite sunrise spot to write. Yet here I was taking an unhealthy amount of pictures of the sun rising, birds and flowers. If I am going to take them, I guess I should share them.

A peaceful moment before the sun began to rise. I love to watch this bird in flight. There is also grayish brown ones but I can never get a good picture.
Looking at this picture and knowing it would have been better if I had an actual camera. My phone takes great pics but it never catches the colors as seen through my eyes.
This looks so cool but with my balance I would know what Lake Erie taste like 🤢😆.
I was leaning against this fence watching the geese and other birds. I was confused as to why the bees kept coming around. There wasn’t any flowers and I don’t wear smell goods. I was standing right by their home 🤦🏾‍♀️.
A painted rock next to the bench I sat on. I wanted to walk around to see if there were any others.
I had to damn near sit in the grass to get this picture. It was under this weed looking plant and I wanted a clear shot.
I seen this beautiful white bird while I was sitting in my car trying to write. I was too far to tell what it was. This white goose distracted me and I had to get out of my car and go see her up close.
Here she is catching my eye again. I want to be like this goose. Confident in my uniqueness and catching everyone’s eye. This is my spirit animal.

Take some time for yourself. Enjoy a beautiful sunrise, a walk along the water. Sit in the park on a bench and read a book. Connect with nature. It can help you stay well and whole. Much love 🧡💚


A Letter to Summer

Here is the post I sent to the editor. Hope you enjoy it 😀.

Hello Summer, you sweet and beautiful season. You many grace some states year round, but for the states with four seasons you have been missed. You bring with you festivals and outdoor concerts. Backyard pools and water parks. Staycations and vacations. Summer, wow what a wonderful time of year.

Summer, your long days and warm nights allows for gatherings of the best kind. People celebrate their love with you. You grace indoor, but mainly outdoor weddings. People stand on the beach and commit their lives to each other in your breezy days. Dance across the floor with love in their eyes in your calm, night sky. What other season can say they have witnessed love so many times? Just you Summer.

Then you have the pleasure of smelling all the barbecue and citronella candles. Friends and families cheers to you. They plan all year just to spend the few glorious months with you. Summer, they invite you to cook with them, to laugh with them and to listen to all their favorites jams. I bet you know how to do the Cha Cha slide and every other hustle invented.

Summer, sometimes you throw us for a loop. What’s up with the extreme heat? We don’t like when our air conditioning runs nonstop. Or when we can’t go outside to bask in your glory for fear of heat stroke. And what about that tropical storm a few weeks ago? And now there is another one on the way. Can you not do that? We still love you Summer, but your unpredictability tests the bounds of our relationship.

Summer, we can’t live without you. Nor would we want to live without you. Thank you for being the time of year for so many great life experiences. I know we don’t have long before you pass the baton to Autumn. We will enjoy the rest of your days until we meet again June 20th next year. Much Love Summer 🧡💚


All Who Love You