How Did It Go? Year In Review, Vivyd Article

Bringing in the new year with a fresh Vivyd Magazine article for you. Yep, I am still writing, if nothing else. Hope you enjoy!

Here is one last tip I didn’t include in the article. I seen this idea on Instagram and I loved it.

I’m sold on this one. I already have 3 things to put on paper. Now I just want some cute paper to write them on 🤦🏾‍♀️.

This year I am going to ask a favor of you. If this blog post or any other post, past or future, resonates with you, please share it with someone else. Someone who you feel may benefit from this content. This would be greatly appreciated. If you are not well and whole, let’s make a plan to get there this year. Much love 🧡💚


Year in Review, Photo Edition

It is the last day of 2021. Parts of this year flew by and other parts dragged on so slowly. I lost parts of it completely. And other parts are vivid in my mind. The one good thing is I take pictures. Pictures that allows me to recall places, events and other things. Here is parts of my past year in pictures and quotes.

Lobster rolls at Slapfish, Hilton Head Island, SC

If you are trying to impress me with your vehicle, it better be a food truck. – Unknown
Faith is not believing that God can, it is knowing that He will. – Unknown
Bill, Fellow MS Warrior

The struggle is real, but so are the blessings. – Unknown
Dinner at Benchmark Restaurant

Marry the one who gives you the same feelings you have when you see your food coming in a restaurant. – Unknown
Onion’s Graduation

This is your reminder that you are powerful beyond measure. – Unknown
Chalupa and my mom at Hamilton at the Fox Theater in Atlanta, GA

I’m just like my country, I’m young, scrappy and hungry and I’m not throwing away my shot. – Lin Manuel Miranda
ATVs with Onion and my mom in the Mojave Desert

Let your faith be bigger than your fear. – Unknown
My first podcast feature

When God sees your trying, he will handle the rest. – Unknown
Winter sunset at the Wright Family Park, Bluffton, SC

You mastered survival mode. Now it’s time to live. – Unknown
Onyx Cafe in Toledo, OH

If it wasn’t for the coffee, I’d have no identifiable personality whatsoever. – David Letterman
I will choose courage over fear when it comes to how I open my heart to love. – Morgan Harper Nichols
Day Ones in Las Vegas, Nevada

If you aren’t in the arena also getting your ass kicked, I’m not interested in your feedback. – Brene Brown
Bar Louie in Perrysburg, OH

Food is our common ground, a universal experience. – James Beard
Putting together my Alinker bike I received from the donations of very special people through my crowdfunding campaign.

If you are going through hell, keep going. – Winston Churchill
Franklin Conservatory

I am going to do the best I can with what I got. – Mariah Carey

Day Ones in Dallas, TX

And when we both get older, with walking canes and hair of grey. Have no fear, even though it’s hard to hear. I will stand real close and say, thank you for being a friend. – Golden Girl Theme
Article in Vivyd Magazine

I’m not even the best me yet. – Unknown

Thank you all for rocking this year out with me. Being patient as I went through my own personal dramas and growths. Tuning back in after I took months off. Believing in me and encouraging me. For any part you have played in my life, I thank you. I appreciate you. I love you. Be well and whole. Much love 🧡 💚

Merry Christmas 2021

Blurred Photo of the Christmas Tree at the Martin Family Park in Bluffton, SC

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone. Hope you get everything you needed and some of what you wanted.

Be well and whole. Much Love 🧡💚