
I have a hard time talking about Multiple Sclerosis (MS as I will refer to it the rest of this post) because I do not want to do the disease a disservice. I truly believe that it is a serious disease but I try not to approach it in that way. I live my life in humor and reality. My friends and I can joke about it and I not feel offended. I know the disease and it’s progression. I know that it is an autoimmune disease that eats away the protective covering on your nerves. I know that after an episode/exacerbation, you may not regain the complete use of whatever area was affected. I know that there is no cure but a lot of medications with horrible side effects. I know that there is so much more that I will not put in this post. But most importantly I know that I have MS.

I know people say that you shouldn’t claim an illness or disease. So I’ll say, I have signs and symptoms of a person who has MS. These past weeks I have had signs and symptoms of a person who is/has had an MS exacerbation. I even participated in a treatment recommended for someone who is having an exacerbation. I really didn’t want the treatment but I realized that I wasn’t going to get better without it. This time was different though. I went to the hospital 3 days in a roll to receive steroid medication intravenously. By the third day I felt better as usual. The day after still doing good. The second day after, which was a Sunday, I couldn’t get myself to move. I had severe brain fog and my body wouldn’t cooperate. I was laid low. This had never happened to me before after a treatment. I rested all day and was so thankful that the next day was a holiday. If I had to work, I would have called off. I DO NOT call off work. By Monday, a little less brain fog and some mobility gained. Tuesday back to work. I made it through the day. Thank God it was my short day.

Now here I am a week later, feeling better still but not who I was before the episode. Walking more like a person than a penguin. Can walk without the use of my stick. Also have the ability to do my job without questioning every little thing I do. Thankful, blessed. I am thankful for everyone that prayed for my recovery and healing. Thankful for the concern from my friends, family and coworkers. Thankful for those who came through for me when I needed them. Blessed that my doctor and his nurses responded quickly to get me in treatment. Blessed to be able to go back to work. Blessed to continue to live an independent life. I don’t take it for granted.

There are many things that I have learned since I have had the signs and symptoms of MS. I’m only going to touch on a couple. I have learned insecurity. I have always been a pretty confident person (thanks Mom). This disease with its limitations, will suck the confidence right out of you. I am not an aggressive woman but if I see someone interesting, I would approach him. Yea….not so much now. Now when someone approaches me, I am even reluctant to talk to them. They see a happy and what looks like a healthy young lady. I know that I am damaged goods. So when do you tell them? At that time or later on when you thinks he likes you enough to still call? I also learned an urgency to live now. My signs and symptoms point to the possibility of a wheelchair in my future. Yes you can still live in a wheelchair, I realize that. But there are activities that would be challenging or impossible to do in one. I want to do all of them now. I want to make memories. Have stories. I don’t want to think I missed out on anything. That is one of my greatest fears.

I truly skimmed over the top of MS. I honestly don’t like talking about it at all. The only reason I did was due to the recent episode. It was such a new and humbling experience for me. It requires acknowledgement. Up until this point I have had an easy journey with MS. I can still walk, work, even dance a little. I have never been hospitalized. Never required someone to wipe my ass. Never used more than a walking stick. Never missed a day of work due to MS. Have always been able to transport myself. Except for a few things, lived a pretty normal life. This episode showed me the true face of MS. Showed me that I may be just one episode away from all the things that I fear the most.

I don’t want to discourage anyone from asking me about MS or my journey. MS, though not talked about as many other diseases, is on the rise. Still I didn’t know exactly what it was until I was diagnosed. So please feel free to ask any questions. And I even encourage you to put them in the comments section because it may be the same one someone else has. Or you can always email me at


I hate to cry. I don’t know if I have said this in one of my post before, but I can’t say it enough. I HATE TO CRY!  It gives me a headache. It makes me look ugly. And I believe that nothing is solved by it. The thing that I was crying about is still an issue when I’m done crying, so why bother. Now I look jacked up, got a headache and I feel like a crybaby. I don’t even like to cry when I am by myself. The only time crying is acceptable to me is when I’m angry, I’m happy, I see something really touching or when someone dies. I have issues, I know.

I am in this process of evalutating myself and continuing to grow up to be a better human being. To find what my purpose is and to serve in my purpose. God put me here for a reason and I am desperate to know what that is. I have been watching sermons, Ted talks and anything that I feel may spark a fire. One sermon I watched recently I can’t stop thinking about. Sarah Jakes Roberts and her husband Pastor Toure Roberts had a chat about love and soul mates. The one thing that kept sticking out to me was Sarah saying that she had to be vulnerable. Vulnerable with Pastor Toure so that he could fulfill his purpose as her husband. The light bulb came on.

I don’t know how to be vulnerable. Please don’t be offended, this pertains to me only. I think vulnerability is a weakness. I believe that it allows people to take advantage of me. The only time that I can remember being vulnerable with anyone was with my first love. I didn’t know any better. Lol. I didn’t know to hold anything back. I dived face first into love and came out hurt, restricted and scarred. Scars that I obviously still have to this day. (Side note, I don’t hold anything against him. We were kids. I know I did my fair share of hurting him and generally being an asshole to him.) The one thing that I did learn is not to be vulnerable because I did not want to feel pain like that again.

So here I am, old as hell, finally facing myself and saying something ain’t right here. How would I have the ability to love someone and allow someone to love me  without transparency and vulnerability? I think that is impossible. There is One that can make the impossible possible, God. Please don’t judge me at this point, but I am not even vulnerable in my private time with God. I know, I know. Now back to crying. I will even fight crying in my private time with the one true healer because I hate it so much. I’m probably telling you people too much about me right now. Seriously. Anyways, like I said I’m evaluating. I realize that if I can’t even be vulnerable with myself and God, how can I be vulnerable with anyone else? Duh!!!

Now that I have had this epiphany, I feel suddenly more emotional. And of course I don’t like it AT ALL! The difference is I’m not going to fight it. I’m not going to stop the tears, unless I’m on my way to work. Ok a whole day of ugly, work with me here people. I am going to pray, talk to God and cry if that is needed for my breakthrough. I am going to allow people into my restricted places. I am going to be vulnerable. If you haven’t realized it at this point, I have already started by sharing this with you.

What is a struggle for you? What do you see as a weakness?  What was an epiphany that changed your life? I don’t expect any comments on here. Lol. But if you want to talk about it privately, please feel free to email me at No judgments, just love and acceptance if you want to talk. Remember to make a comment, click on the title and it will have a comment box at the end of the post.

RoAd RaGe

The other night I was driving home going through a construction zone. The speed was 50 mph and we were going that or a little over. This car behind me is so far in my butt and I was starting to get annoyed. For one, we are in a construction zone. For two, there are cars in front of me and I can only go as fast as they go. Needless to say, I lost my cool and beeped at him and flicked him off when he was finally able to get around me. Dick! Now I am a pretty aggressive driver but I know when to relax and go with the flow. If all lanes are going the same speed, I just chill and wait for my opening. I don’t ride ass trying to make people do the speed that I want. I try to keep my road rage in check, but obviously I had a moment.

I live about 18 minutes away from my job and it is actually better to take the street than the expressway. I dislike street driving because it requires too much attention. Expressway driving you can relax a little and enjoy the ride. No stop lights, stop signs or people making sudden turns, without their blinkers of course. I have compiled a list of my top 10 Road Rage Issues that I encounter regularly.

1. When someone pulls out of a side street and get in my lane even though the other lane was empty.
2. When you are at a light and you let a car out and they do not give you the hand. What? Manners people.
3. When you are getting on the expressway and the car in the lane closest to you does not move into the other lane to allow you a smooth transition on to the highway. Especially if there is no one in the other lane. Really!?!
4. When you are the person that allows someone a smooth transition by getting into the other lane and your exit is coming up and they don’t allow you to get back over. I guess that is why people in issue 3 don’t do it. Lol
5. When someone is driving in the fast/passing lane and they are steadily getting passed. Get your ass out of the fast lane!
6. When you are driving on the expressway and the person in front of you decides to clean their windshield. Now your windshield is splattered with water and you can’t see. You now have to be like the dick in front of you and use your wipers and fluid. Smh
7. When you pull up to a four way stop and everyone is just sitting there like who’s turn is it to go. Uh…mine.
8. When the driver in front of you is going slow but when the light turns yellow, they speed up and run through it while you are stuck sitting at the light.
9. Drivers that sit at lights when the sign does not say no turn on red.
10. When it is a two lane turn and the car in the other lane turns in your lane. And then you have to lay on the horn and dodge their car at the same time.

These are just the top ten. I could go on and on. People can’t drive. And some days, I may even do a few of these things. But I do try to be a considerate driver. Are there ones that I didn’t list that is one of your road rage issues? Please share. For you to be able to make a comment, click on the Title of post and it will take you to the page with a comment box.