For The Love of Architecture

The Castle at Smith Lake
Photo credit: Arc Realty

Ebony has not been Ebony on Everything lately. Ebony hasn’t even been Ebony on Anything. As the people that know me know, I have an opinion on almost everything. It’s to the point that when I say I don’t have an opinion, my friends don’t believe me. Then there are topics that I feel so strongly about I can’t keep it to myself even if I tried. Today’s topic popped in my head as soon as I opened my eyes this morning.

I love architecture and architectural design. I love houses inside and out. The materials used to cover the structure, brick, siding, or stone. The layout of a floor plan that is well done. The floors, walls, windows and how everything comes together. In Toledo, I used to attend the Parade of Homes each year just to look at houses and their floor plans. I have drawn a very crude floor plan combining elements from a bunch of different houses. Now I just need millions of dollars, an architect to perfect my floor plan, and a builder. It’s doable (I know what you are thinking. I’m manifesting, don’t shit on my dreams 😂).

My favorite architect is Frank Lloyd Wright. He was so ahead of his time. So brilliant. And apparently, kind of an asshole. I am fighting my way through his book, The Natural House. He was an amazing architect, but a terrible writer. Wright does have me cracking up the way he talks about other architects and builders. To be fair, he was right, but he gave them no grace. I guess now I have to highlight at least one of Wright’s houses on here as well. I have one that I drooled over for days that listed recently. Showing everyone pictures and my favorite parts of the house. I am still not over it’s beauty, but I did stop going back to it. However, it is saved in my favorites whenever I get the urge.

I am sure you are probably asking, where is all of this coming from? That house, Castle at Smith Lake, pictured above inspired me, no…more like disgusted me and gave me the overwhelming urge to share my opinion. When that popped up in my news feed, I had to take a deeper look. A castle in Alabama is strange enough, but the picture was what really got me. That is some ugly shit. I don’t feel like I need to say more. What was killing me is what the writers of the magazine articles was saying about the house. TJ Macias, with the Charlotte Observer, said,

“A home called the Castle at Smith Lake is the living embodiment of elegance both inside and out with a very unique twist: Its eye-catching design.”

Now TJ know he was lying. At that moment, I realized I better stick to writing for my blog and Vivyd where I get to express my true opinions. There is no way I could have written that article telling them lies. I’m going to go with what Amanda, my coworker, said, “Frankenstein’s Monster”. Now that is an accurate description.

I just knew the inside was going to be a hot mess. I said as bad as the outside look, there is no way the inside looks good. Surprisingly, the interior is not so bad on the brick side of the house.

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The “castle” side needs a refresh.

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You can tell the house was renovated at some point in time though. The interior can’t make up for the exterior though. Nor does it justify the $4.9 million asking price. I am going to keep tabs on this “castle”. Which I feel like they used that term loosely. I looked up the definition of a castle and it isn’t fitting it. I do want to know how much it truly sells for. Here is the link to view more pictures of the house,

The best thing about this “castle” is the plot of land it is sitting on. Them views, them views, them views 😍. They are spectacular!

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Every time I look at the pictures of the scenery, the lake, the sunset, my heart sings. Just tear the house down, put a few tiny houses on there for me and my people and all is right with the world. Yes, I have my crude floor plan that I want created into a home, but I would want to share this space with people I love. And though I love them, I don’t want to inhabit the same living space. I have also designed my own tiny home. I told y’all I love houses.

It is a must that I receive some comments from you all. I need everyone’s opinion on this matter. More importantly, I need your opinion to match mines 😆. Even if it doesn’t, please share. I promise I will be nice and agree to disagree even as my soul shrivels up inside me. For the people who agrees with me, stay well and whole. For the others, go get a check up, something is off 😂. Much Love to you all 🧡💚

Stumbling Through Life and Love

Sunset at Broad River boat landing

The other morning as I got up to get ready for work, I stumbled to the bathroom. I thought I am always stumbling and not just when I walk, but in life as well. Hence, the title. Here I am, 45 years old, training for my next career transition, still not knowing what I want to be when I grow up. Single, with minimal prospects, actually zero to none 😆. And I don’t even know how to rectify the situation. Or at least the suggestions from others aren’t working and I am this close 👌🏾 to saying fuck it (a sewing needle couldn’t even fit in the distance between my thumb and finger).

I know there are people who may say I am being too picky and I am not sure if there is a such thing. This is the person I plan on spending the rest of my life with. As I said before, I’m 45, I don’t think I have room for error. Maybe the term should be unrealistic. Now, I do believe that is possible. But I’m not even being unrealistic. I have 3 nonnegotiables for when I look at someone’s dating profile or someone I meet organically. One, must believe in God. I don’t care how cute you are or anything else that may sound good in your profile, that is an instant swipe left. Two, doesn’t want kids. There is nothing I can do for a man who wants kids. I’m too old and I don’t want kids. Now, he can have kids. My preference is kids that are close to grown, but I won’t rule anyone out based on the kid(s) age. Three, cannot be a conservative. This may ruffles some feathers. I do not care what side you lean towards in the general sense, but I am a woman. And as I woman, I do not believe that men should have any say in what women do with our bodies. Yes, I believe in God, but what I do is between me and God. Just like what that man does is between him and God.

Now, for all the other things that may cause others to say I am “picky”. Only having one picture, only pictures with a hat on (hats are men’s makeup), saying nothing at all on their profile, I don’t find you attractive, and they are looking for something casual (i.e. fuck buddy). I have swiped left so many times, they are running out of men in my area. They have just started to recycle the ones I already said no to 🤦🏾‍♀️. I think dating websites are so strange and I am annoyed that this is probably the best way to meet someone. I’m terrible at it. The texting back and forth having meaningless conversations. The round of getting to know you questions. The awkward conversations when you finally do talk. Yet, when I think about it, I don’t know if I’m good at organic dating either 😬. I think the plus in organic dating is there is an initial spark. Something to build on. Not the build-a-bear scene of dating apps.

When it is all said and done, I want a husband. Not just to say I got married, or I could have married the wrong person years ago 😆. So, I will keep stumbling through this life open to love and loving. Waiting to fall and that man to catch me (so cheesy). He better catch me! I don’t know if I can take another fall, figuratively and literally 😂. Y’all saw what I looked like the last time. And fortunately or unfortunately, you all are going to have a front row seat. Hell, I already have a story to tell. Next blog. This blog post was the story builder, like the first movie or book in a series. For your sake and mines, I hope it is a short series. Continue to be well and whole. Much Love 🧡 💚