I am on my last days of a Covid-19 scare. I say “scare” loosely because I was positive that I had not contracted the virus. “How do I know?” you ask. Well the way my health is set up, I would have easily known a while ago. Yes, I know people can be asymptomatic, but it wouldn’t have been me. On top of my health conditions, my MS medication also suppresses my immune system. I am a prime candidate for infection. A practitioner that I had visited contracted the virus and I had seen him within days of him being infected. I received a call from the health department saying that I had to quarantine for 14 days. Mind you, I had been free and socializing for about 7 days of my quarantine. Thank God my boss acted with precision and quickness when I told her I had been exposed. I had already been off work and quarantining before I received the call from the health department. My practitioner had let me know a few days earlier.
I dislike rules unless they make sense to me. I understand the need to self quarantine to keep others protected from a possible infection. So even though I dislike having to stay at home all day, everyday by myself, it is a rule I will follow. It became a little tougher when the lady at the health department said even if I test negative, I am still have to quarantine for the required amount of days. Booooo! Lol. I guess it is a good thing that I live alone. To have to quarantine in the house with someone else? I can’t imagine living in the house with someone and not being able to touch them? Eat dinner with them? Look at them? Have sex with them? That seems like a different kind of hell. I know a person who is going through that right now. Best believe this enforced isolation inspired me to reach out and check on them.
I am an introvert and slightly anti-social. I spend time with who I want, when I want. When you don’t have a choice though, it is a whole different story. I started to fall apart a little bit. I was fine earlier in the day at the start of quarantine. When the sun was shining brightly through my window. When I talked to my mom and my friend Shayla. When my friend Monica dropped off some fruit and a cupcake, which I didn’t need. But as the sky went dark and what looked like 9 pm but was really 6:30 pm, my mood changed. I started to get a little sad. I was actually suppose to have dinner and drinks with two of my friends over the weekend. These plans had been made a month ago. And I have 4 more days of this!?!?!?!
Listen people, I am struggling but I am okay. I don’t want anyone to think I am depressed or anything. Really, I am just being a brat. This is temporary. I wasn’t even going to write about this. But I got to thinking about people who are isolated due to the pandemic or any other life situation and I decided to be their voice. If I am struggling after only a few days, what are these people going through mentally, emotionally, physically? Human touch is so important. I remember when I used to deliver meals to seniors (best job ever!). There was a lady who lost her husband. I gave her a hug and I am one of those weirdos that don’t really get into physical touch. I just knew she needed it. A few days later when I went by she told me that I made her feel better with just a hug. Amazing, right!?!?!
My Covid-19 scare has solidified a few things. For one, it just goes to show how easily a person can be infected. Two, it also shows how irrevocably a person’s life can be changed. My practitioner is the only one in his office. His business is at a standstill and his employees are now laid off. There is even a chance that one or more of his employees may have contracted the virus as well. I am sure he will bounce back, but countless others have not. Three, people who are isolated from others are not okay. I don’t care if they are isolated due to the pandemic or other health conditions that are not allowing them out into the world. They are struggling even if they do not say it. Check on your people. They need to see you, if even through a damn window or door. They need to hear your voice. They need you!
It is so important for us to continue to stay on guard. This virus is not going anywhere people. Mask on and up in its proper position. Let’s protect each other. Let’s not be careless. But also, let’s not live in fear. Continue to be mentally (if I never said it before) and physically well and whole. Much love to you all 🧡💚
P.S. I did receive the results back from my test. I am negative for Covid-19.