And It Goals Like This…


I was unable to get these videos to load for the last post so I am going to share them on this one. Finally, the Uprising.

The original video was 2 minutes 31 seconds. I cut parts out to share. I really hope that you are able to view them. It truly is a sight.

Another update. I decided I don’t like my planner. Lol, smh. I know this is ridiculousness at this point. So I am on the hunt for a new one. I don’t recommend ordering one online. It looked good in theory but the in person viewing left a lot to be desired.

Since writing my last post I have made a few decisions. I am terrible at making decisions especially big ones. I procrastinate and waver back and forth until a decision is made. Sometimes I finally make the decision but most times the circumstances makes the decision due to my inaction. Not a way to live. As Bodhi Sanders said, “Doing nothing is an action; not making a decision is making a decision.” Or we can go with, “In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing” as said by Theodore Roosevelt. Okay, last one. “Be decisive. Right or wrong, make a decision. The road of life is paved with flat squirrels who couldn’t make a decision.” 😂😂😂 I want to make my decisions right or wrong because it feels good when I take control of my life. I am currently on a life high from making all of those decisions.

I carried over a few goals from January to accomplish in the shortest month (lol) along with my February goals. On February 1st, I made 3 decisions. I guess I was overly ambitious. Sound about right for me. Lol. The thing is only one of them was a part of my goals for either month. And it was a partial goal. I purchased the desk but not the chair. One of my decisions wasn’t even a part of my goals at all. Smh. After my secular music hiatus, I woke up binge watching The Terrell Show Song Associations. Then I remembered I signed up for this video conference by Sonia Ricotti. Sonia Ricotti has a program called Unsinkable. I watched a portion of the movie a couple of weeks ago. The beginning was really sad but it did get better as it went on. She went through some really difficult things. She lost her mother, went through a divorce and was over $100,000 in debt. She was able to pull herself out of these dark times and it made her want to share the technique with others. I missed about 40 minutes by the time I tuned in. I came in on the part where she was doing the sales pitch for her program. Boring! I wanted to close it out and go back to The Terrell Show. Lol. But I stayed.

She went on to interview Bob Proctor, Lisa Nichols and Mary Morrissey. In between each interview, she did the sales pitch for her product. I’m not exactly sure when she pulled me in, but there I was purchasing her program. I think it was when she offered free tickets to a conference called Dreambuilders Live. One of my goals for this year was to attend a conference on personal development and here she is throwing them in as part of her program package. The Dreambuilder Live workshop is Mary Morrissey’s and it will be held in June in Virginia. I am excited because now that will help me accomplish two more goals. I can visit my friend Patty and see her cute little baby and also go on a trip. Now after I purchased my program, I did log off. Lol. I’ll get the rest of my info once I start the program.

I said all this to say, don’t get so set on your monthly goals that you do not allow things/situations to flow organically. I know that I have goals set to accomplish each month but if a goal I have for later in the year presents itself earlier, I am going to jump on it. I don’t want us to be discourage by things not happen on our timeline. The timeline is just a suggestion. It is bound to change. The most important thing is we accept the change, make adjustments and continue on the path to accomplish all of our goals. Since I have been experiencing this life high my perspective and mindset has improved. Don’t get me wrong, I am still working on my mindset. But I have been able to correct myself when negative thoughts start to enter my mind. I shoot that shit down! We are worthy and deserving of achieving the life we want to live. I will erase all doubts where this is concerned. Mindset shift.

What goals have you accomplished so far? Are any of them out of order? I am interested in how 2020 is going for you. You can comment below or send me an email at I am always praying and rooting for you. I want everyone to experience so many great things this year. I want the best for you! Continue to be well and whole and don’t let anything get you down. This is our year and I am not settling for anything less. Love you all.

Oh and one more thing, the title of this post is so cheesy but I don’t care 🤣🤣🤣.

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