I rarely talk about my health or issues that I have because that is not the purpose of my blog. My mission will continue to be uplifting, promoting self-love and acceptance of ourselves and others. But I have been sorely absent from posting content besides my Black Facts and I have fallen off as of a couple of weekends ago So, I guess an explanation is due at this point.
As most of you know, unless you are new, I have multiple sclerosis (MS). I manage to do well with MS, but occasionally I will have an issue. I had been under the impression I was in an active relapse for a little over a month. What does that look like? A little different from past relapses. Extreme fatigue, memory loss, brain fog (hard to focus, concentrate), muscle spasms, numb toes, balance and equilibrium off, and constant tripping. A couple of other symptoms, but these are the main ones.
How does this effect me? Well, most days I realize I am scraping by, a shell of myself. Writing everything down because if you ask me a couple hours later, I will not remember. Coming home after work and doing absolutely nothing because I used all the energy and concentration I had at work. Limited activity due to issues with walking, tripping and legs feeling heavy and tired. Worst, no reading or writing.
What is the solution? A three day IV steroid treatment. The purpose of the treatment is to tamp down the inflammation that is on 10. Once treatment is completed, hopeful I will regain all of my previous abilities before this particular episode. There is a possibility it may not. It is also a possibility I’m not even having an episode and the MS has just progressed. Who the hell knows?
I actually started writing this blog post when I was receiving my second treatment. Tomorrow will be 2 weeks since I received my treatment. How am I now? A little better, but not as I was. So, at this point, I need to make adjustments and learn to work around my new reality. Yeah, it sucks! It really fucking sucks. Yet, I am okay. I have learned through constant reframing of my thoughts to be grateful. Grateful that even though I trip, I rarely fall. Grateful that even though my short term memory is taking a hit, my long term memory is still intact. Grateful that I have friends and family who are always there for me and praying for me.
I honestly don’t know how to completely adjust to these new changes. I am working on it though. Please be patient with me. I will be back in full force soon. I still have lots to say, it’s just getting my thoughts down on paper in cohesive sentences is the challenge. Writing is something I have always done and I always want to do so I am not giving up.
Thank you for your continued support. Thank you for your understanding. Be well and whole. Much Love 🧡 💚