Let Me Be Me

Just read an article in the New York Times online in regards to UPS now allowing their employees to wear their natural hair and facial hair. This change was implemented by their first female chief executive officer, Carol Tomé, in its 113 year history according to the NYT article. I have so many thoughts. First, I did a little research on Carol Tomé. I like her. She had actually retired from Home Depot last year as their Chief Financial Officer after being with the company for 24 years. Not a bad position to hold, but was also passed up for the position of chief executive officer with the company. If you know me, you know that I am pro-woman. I believe that women, when given the opportunity, have so much to contribute to this world. Fuck all that talk that we are emotional creatures and therefore cannot be trusted to make sound decisions. That is just a cop out to keep women in “their place”. I’m going to leave that alone. I can go on and on with this topic.

My second and most important thought upon seeing that article is, Really!?!?! I am so amazed that this is even an issue much less that it is still going on. Every time I see an article in regards to how a person wears their hair, I am so confused. What in the hell does that have to do with work performance or learning ability? Not a damn thing. So for companies and schools to make decision on who they hire or who can attend certain schools based on how they look is so beyond my grasp.

As a black woman who wears her hair as it grows out of her scalp, I take offense to these regulations (this is a nice word for what is actually happening). So you are telling me that I must use chemicals to alter my hair because…🤔. I’ll wait. I’m sure that whatever answer usually comes after the “because” is insufficient. I guess I have been blessed to have worked for companies where this has never been an issue for me. Not that it should have ever been an issue. I cannot stress this enough.

Who are we to tell people who to be? How to represent themselves? People are out here talking about their civil liberties in regards to wearing a fucking mask but companies and schools are trampling on people’s ability to just be themselves? It is some serious issues in this country, just saying. If people are going to fight for anything, fight for people’s rights to express and be themselves in all arenas of life.

Besides being pro-woman, I am absolutely for people being themselves at all times even if I don’t understand where a person is coming from. I might look at you with your orange, red, blue, green or rainbow hair and think it looks strange. But what I won’t do is judge you based on it. I don’t care what your hair looks like. I don’t care how many tattoos you have. I don’t care if your beard goes down to your belly button (is that possible?). What I care about is how you treat me and others. Are you kind? Are you sincere? Are you compassionate? Are you a good person? And even if you are a bad person, I don’t care. I just won’t deal with you.

I feel so much empathy for people who feel they have to jump through hoops just to be accepted in this world. And I am so grateful that I haven’t experienced it first hand. If you are a person who is struggling to find your place, know that there is a tribe out there for you. There is a group of people who will love and accept you just the way God created you. Stop trying to fit in. Fuck that job. Fuck that school. Go where you belong. You will be better for accepting who you are and allowing your light to shine at its brightest. And whatever company or school gets you will be better for it as well. Here is one of my favorite quotes:

“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are” – e.e. cummings

Especially in a world that is trying to squash you. Have you experienced issues at jobs in regards to your hair? The way you dress? Just being you? Please share in the comments below. Or you can email me at elsims27@yahoo.com. I look forward to hearing from you. Be you, be well and whole. Much love to you exactly as you are 🧡💚

Do What Makes You Happy

Ok when you are in the house for 6 days straight you kind of lose track of the day and date. Also, Rihanna threw me off with her email talking about Singles Day on the wrong damn day. First, I would like to acknowledge and give honor to anyone who has served for this country, Thank You Veterans. Secondly, this post was originally published on Tuesday, November 10th. The tidbit of useless information is actually for today. This post has officially been corrected. Lol

A piece of useless information for you. Today is Singles Day. This “holiday” is celebrated in China every year on November 11th (11/11). It was supposedly started by four single guys in college in 1993. This is my first time hearing about it. The day is to be celebrated by playing games, having parties and movie nights with other single people. As all countries do, China converted it into a money making holiday. It is the biggest shopping day of the year there. America has Single Awareness Day. The date is February 15th. How lame 😂. Why does it have to be a day for everything? Well we can keep any day that involves food and liquor. Lol.

I got a microphone for my birthday. No, I cannot sing…at all. Lol. It is purely for fun. But I felt shy or embarrassed about taking it in the car with me and singing into it. Like what will people think if they look over at me singing into this beautiful pink mic? Are they going to laugh at me? Are they going to talk about me? Then today I realized that it would bring me joy to do it. Life is too fucking short to not do things that bring us joy especially if we are not harming others in any way. Why do I care what other people think?

As I was driving (yes I did sing into the mic) I decided that everything that brings me joy, I am going to do more of it. No excuses. If it is not something I can do by myself, I will ask others for help or to join me. For instance, I love motorcycles. I don’t have one and I probably wouldn’t trust myself if I did. Lol. So I’m going to ask people with motorcycles to take me for a ride. I’ll even buy my own helmet. I love playing miniature golf and I love winning. I can’t do that if I go by myself. So I’m going to ask people to go with me instead of not going at all.

I realize that this pandemic has totally changed some people’s life path. I get it. But I also know that there are things that we still can accomplish. Let’s set new goals. Goals that are smaller, doable ones. Ones that we can complete each week. And make some of them fun ones. Joyful, happy ones. I need for people to find what brings them joy and do it! There is just so much shit that once you become an adult, you have to do. What do you want to do? What makes you happy that you can do? Make a list and start checking things off of it.

Today is my last day of quarantine. I am so happy to be released out into the world. I am like a dog that has been in the house all day. I am busting out doing zoomies all in the yard. Lol. I have people to see, places to be and things to buy. One of these things I can’t wait to share. It stopped me in my tracks when I seen it last week. Unfortunately, I have to drive to Michigan because the store in Toledo doesn’t have it in stock. This thing is going to bring me so much happiness!

I can’t stress this enough, find your happy! And make a point of doing what makes you happy. For all we know this is the only life we have to live, why not live it to the fullest? Why not have fun? Why not sing into the mic? If you see me out and about singing into the mic, sing with me. Be well and whole. Much love 🧡 💚

And This Happened

I am on my last days of a Covid-19 scare. I say “scare” loosely because I was positive that I had not contracted the virus. “How do I know?” you ask. Well the way my health is set up, I would have easily known a while ago. Yes, I know people can be asymptomatic, but it wouldn’t have been me. On top of my health conditions, my MS medication also suppresses my immune system. I am a prime candidate for infection. A practitioner that I had visited contracted the virus and I had seen him within days of him being infected. I received a call from the health department saying that I had to quarantine for 14 days. Mind you, I had been free and socializing for about 7 days of my quarantine. Thank God my boss acted with precision and quickness when I told her I had been exposed. I had already been off work and quarantining before I received the call from the health department. My practitioner had let me know a few days earlier.

I dislike rules unless they make sense to me. I understand the need to self quarantine to keep others protected from a possible infection. So even though I dislike having to stay at home all day, everyday by myself, it is a rule I will follow. It became a little tougher when the lady at the health department said even if I test negative, I am still have to quarantine for the required amount of days. Booooo! Lol. I guess it is a good thing that I live alone. To have to quarantine in the house with someone else? I can’t imagine living in the house with someone and not being able to touch them? Eat dinner with them? Look at them? Have sex with them? That seems like a different kind of hell. I know a person who is going through that right now. Best believe this enforced isolation inspired me to reach out and check on them.

I am an introvert and slightly anti-social. I spend time with who I want, when I want. When you don’t have a choice though, it is a whole different story. I started to fall apart a little bit. I was fine earlier in the day at the start of quarantine. When the sun was shining brightly through my window. When I talked to my mom and my friend Shayla. When my friend Monica dropped off some fruit and a cupcake, which I didn’t need. But as the sky went dark and what looked like 9 pm but was really 6:30 pm, my mood changed. I started to get a little sad. I was actually suppose to have dinner and drinks with two of my friends over the weekend. These plans had been made a month ago. And I have 4 more days of this!?!?!?!

Listen people, I am struggling but I am okay. I don’t want anyone to think I am depressed or anything. Really, I am just being a brat. This is temporary. I wasn’t even going to write about this. But I got to thinking about people who are isolated due to the pandemic or any other life situation and I decided to be their voice. If I am struggling after only a few days, what are these people going through mentally, emotionally, physically? Human touch is so important. I remember when I used to deliver meals to seniors (best job ever!). There was a lady who lost her husband. I gave her a hug and I am one of those weirdos that don’t really get into physical touch. I just knew she needed it. A few days later when I went by she told me that I made her feel better with just a hug. Amazing, right!?!?!

My Covid-19 scare has solidified a few things. For one, it just goes to show how easily a person can be infected. Two, it also shows how irrevocably a person’s life can be changed. My practitioner is the only one in his office. His business is at a standstill and his employees are now laid off. There is even a chance that one or more of his employees may have contracted the virus as well. I am sure he will bounce back, but countless others have not. Three, people who are isolated from others are not okay. I don’t care if they are isolated due to the pandemic or other health conditions that are not allowing them out into the world. They are struggling even if they do not say it. Check on your people. They need to see you, if even through a damn window or door. They need to hear your voice. They need you!

It is so important for us to continue to stay on guard. This virus is not going anywhere people. Mask on and up in its proper position. Let’s protect each other. Let’s not be careless. But also, let’s not live in fear. Continue to be mentally (if I never said it before) and physically well and whole. Much love to you all 🧡💚

P.S. I did receive the results back from my test. I am negative for Covid-19.