Who’s Next?!?!? I’m Next

This was not going to be my next post, but I was definitely hoping to share it for this October MS Awareness month in honor of me. What a great early birthday gift.

It is finally here. What I have been waiting to talk about. Drum roll please đŸ„đŸ„đŸ„đŸ„, introducing the Alinker. 

Photo courtesy of thealinker.com

I was first introduced to the Alinker by Selma Blair. I was checking out her page on Instagram and I saw her sitting on one. I was like, “What is that?” I clicked on the link she had under the picture and it took me to their page. As you know I’m still mobile. The style of walk is penguin. Lol. This is due to spasticity, the stiffen of muscles which prevents normal movement. My sunrise friend Gerard says, “You just got a little flavor to your walk.” Lol. Thanks dude. I cannot walk long distances without some form of assistance. My legs tire out pretty quick. I have been on trips where my friend Monica has had to carry me piggy back because I was dragging so bad. Or whoever was walking with me had to stay behind while I took multiple rest breaks. I love and appreciate my friends for their endless support and consideration. I’m not going to cry. But it truly means so much to me. Now the Alinker has entered the chat.

This little doodad right here can solve the problems I just listed and some. Not only would I be able to keep up with my friends on trips but no one would have to carry me at all. On solo trips, I can really get out there and explore the way that I want to. I will strap my GoPro onto the front and record all my adventures. I would be able to go to the park and actually do the full trail. Oh the places I can go. These are all the thoughts rushing through my mind when I see this bike. 

Now this is where I am in need of assistance. The bike is retailing at $2,200. Yeah, I knew it wasn’t cheap when I seen Selma sitting on it. It is not like I have seen everyday people walking around on this bike. And it has been out in the US since 2016, created in 2014. I have started a Crowdfunding page that people can donate to help me get this beauty. I am not asking for any specific amount. It is whatever you are able to give. Be it a dollar or five dollars. I know that it will add up and I will get this bike. And that is the ultimate goal. If you want to share with others, I would appreciate that as well. I am easy to please. I just want to continue to enjoy this life as much as I can. There is times that I may not participate in activities not just because I am antisocial. But because the logistics of the activity requires too much energy. I don’t want to have that reason anymore. 

Here is a video from YouTube talking about the Alinker.

Right now there is a tremendous waiting list and they are not accepting any new campaigns. The team at Alinker wants to clear out a few campaigns first. If you know someone who would benefit from this awesome bike, please share this post. It would be great for them to know about it and get everything together for when they are accepting new campaigns.

Today Alinker launched 10 new campaigns and I am so grateful to be one of them. This is the link to donate for my campaign.

Alinker Family Crowdfunding – Alinker USA

Once again, I appreciate all the love and support throughout this journey. Thank you. Continue to be well and whole. Much love 🧡 💚. 

MS-cellaneous Pt. 4, Fall Edition

For the whole month of October I am going to be talking about multiple sclerosis(MS) even though it is not MS Awareness month. March is MS Awareness month and I have some posts that you can check out if you want to read my MS story. If you go on my blog page at www.ebonyoneverything.com, there is a category on the right side or bottom of the page called MS-cellaneous. This category contains all my previous posts regarding Multiple Sclerosis. Someone great was born in October who just happens to have MS, me! I am speaking about MS because I was challenged by a group of ladies to do something that makes me feel uncomfortable. Talking about MS makes me feel uncomfortable. I don’t want to dwell on it. It is a part of my life just like work, sleep and the weather. These are topics we briefly discuss and move on. That is how I like to treat MS. Well, I accepted the challenge, so let’s talk.

On Friday, September 25th, I stuck a needle into my thigh muscle. The syringe contained my new MS medication called Avonex. Avonex is an interferon beta-1b medication that helps to inhibit inflammation that causes MS flare ups. Avonex may slow the progression of physical disability in people with multiple sclerosis. I had a nurse educator, Renee, there with me to coach me through the process. She came with sample placebo syringes for me to practice on a fake piece of flesh a few times before I did it on my actual flesh. It is so much easier stabbing fake meat versus real meat. Lol. Ok if you have read this blog at all, by now y’all should know I’m crazy. If you are new here, please read some previous blogs. I don’t take much to heart. Though an MS diagnosis is a pretty serious issue, I approach it with humor. How else do you get through a day?

Injection Day Prep

The start of Avonex had me injecting only 1/4 dose with an increase of an additional 1/4 dose until the fourth week when I use the recommended dosage. The shot is injected once a week. I usually like to administer this type of medication on Fridays. One of the side effects is flu-like symptoms. Friday injections allows me to recover over the weekend, if I was to experience any side effects. The last time I started an injection medication the side effects didn’t hit me until the middle of the week. I had to be wheel out of work in a wheelchair, which I do not use, and driven home by my coworkers. My body locked up and I couldn’t even walk or bend my legs. What a day that was. Took a couple of Aleve and was back in busy a few hours later. Everyone was freaked out though. Especially my boss. Couldn’t return to work without a doctor’s note. Lol. I don’t blame her.

This will be my fourth medication. I am hoping it will either be my last or I will be able to use it for at least a few years. I am starting to get discouraged with these medications. They all have scary side effect warnings and I just don’t know if they are even working. But the goal is to stay mobile. So I am willing to give it a try.

Since I have accepted the challenge that means I am available for any questions you may have in regards to multiple sclerosis. Whether it is general information about the disease or personal information about my life with the disease. You can leave your questions in the comment box below or email me at elsims27@yahoo.com. This stands true for the whole month of October. After that, I ain’t doing it. Lol. No, I will still be available. I did not really know what MS was until I got it, so I don’t expect anyone to know about it unless they have it or someone close to them has it. That is the way it goes with most diseases. So I can be your MS educator.

The weather is changing. It is getting cooler. People will be in the house more. The leaves will turn all those beautiful colors that represents my favorite season, fall. But we are still in the middle of a pandemic. So masks will still need to be wore and care taken with your health. Continue to be well and whole. Much love 🧡 💚