Akumal, Mexico 2020

Rooftop view at Casa de Cielo

It has been over a month since I came back from Mexico and I am just now writing about my trip. I wanted to wait until I had just the right words. Still not sure that I do. Lol. It was one of the best trips I have taken and I wanted to do it justice.

This trip was planned around Delanea and Sheron’s birthday. Unfortunately, Sheron and Selena did not join us for this trip. Here are my lovelies, my soulmates and my A1’s from Day 1, Monica and Delanea.

Hot Mamas Monica (standing) and Delanea

We have been through so much together and I love going on trips with them. Even when there is disagreements in the group we always come back together and continue to create some of the best memories. Though we couldn’t all be there for this trip, we reunited in Cleveland this month for my goddaughter Knea’s birthday.

This particular trip to Akumal, Mexico involved Delanea’s crew from Dallas. Here is the group smiling after Cedric walked all the way back to the lockers at Gran Cenote in Tulum, Mexico to get his phone to take this picture. 

Inside Gran Cenote in Tulum, Mexico with left to right, Cedric, Monica, Naphi, Me, Ashley, Ryan and Delanea

The water was a little chilly when you first climbed in but not as bad as Monica was making it seem. She was frozen on the ladder and I had to bypass her. Lol. Once in the water, I grabbed the line that went from one end of the cave to the other until I could acclimate myself. It’s been a while since I’ve been in water where my feet don’t touch the ground. As I was holding onto the line my legs shot up in the air and I was floating on my back. I could not get my legs to go back down for nothing. Some guy swims by and offers to push them down for me 😂. I wonder if anyone else with MS experiences this.

All was going well as Delanea and I inched our way down the line until Monica started screaming loudly, “Are those…are those bats!?!?!? There is bats in this cave.” I don’t know why that didn’t cross our minds before we actually seen them. Lol. Yes, the black spots in the picture above are bats 🦇. My legs proceeded to shot back up in the air. Hehehe. This time I willed those jokers back down though. It was still an awesome experience and I would do it again, bats and all.

Gran Cenote, Tulum, Mexico

Ryan was my savior for most of the trip. He got rid of the hermit crab in the kitchen who was crawling around like he owned the place. And then that same night a little lizard. After spending a good portion of the day at the beach and then by the pool smoking cigars and taking pics, I was ready to be out of that swimsuit. As I went to hang the towel by the shower, I faced the wall and to my surprise this orange lizard was right there. I wrapped my towel around me, nothing underneath, and came out of the room and sat down on a lounger. I calmly said, “There is a lizard in the bathroom.” I did not feel calm at all. Lol. 

Also, Alfredo, the cleaner for our airbnb Casa de Cielo, came to my rescue the next morning when I yelled, “Alfredo get him, get him”, when this guy came up under the fence towards the table we were sitting at.

So did you know that Mexico has their own raccoons that are totally different from the ones we have in the US? Me either. Here I am up bright and early hoping for an amazing picture of the sunrise on the ocean (I didn’t get it) and this fellow joins me. 

Mexican raccoon bka Coatimundi

Sorry the picture isn’t better but I was panicking a little. At the time I did not know what it was. It wouldn’t have mattered if I did anyway because I was out of there. I snuck into the main house through the back door. Thank God the house had so many entry doors. Four to be exact. One on every side of the house. After sniffing around on the lanai, we made eye contact through the window and he ran off. It seemed as if I was the main person who had the animal encounters. Lol. This little one chilled with me by the pool when the others went to see the Mayan Ruins. 

Poolside with Ocean views and a sunbathing lizard

I did not join for that excursion because it was hot as hell and too much walking. The sad part is they didn’t get to see the ruins either because it was closed due to Covid-19 but we had a great day at the beach.

Like I said this was actually one of the best trips I have been on. The views were amazing. The pool at the airbnb was just the right depth for enjoyment. The food was good except for the pizza we managed to order without speaking any Spanish. The company was great. The sky was clear. One night we were even able to see the Milky Way as we had deep conversations on the rooftop. Sorry that picture looked like nothing. Lol. I did manage to get some pictures of the sun in the early morning, but not right when it broke the horizon.

The sun was making its way up through the clouds. I love this pic. It was as peaceful as it looks.
After the coatimundi left, I came back out and snapped this picture.
Last morning at Casa de Cielo. Delanea and Monica joined me for this sunrise. It was still a beautiful view.

The room I stayed in with Monica was on the first floor. This was the night time view from our room.

This particular photo shoot started with someone’s iPhone, then another iPhone ending with my Galaxy Note 10 Plus (yes I have the best camera).

We got Cedric looking like a boss. Lol

I know people thought I was crazy for going to Mexico in the beginning/middle of a pandemic. And I could have been. My version of reality says I can get the coronavirus anywhere. I am just as likely to contract it at the grocery store here in the US as I was in Mexico. After visiting Mexico and being impressed with their pandemic protocol, I feel as if I am way more likely to get it in the US. Mexico had a mask mandate in place before the US. They performed temperature checks everywhere we went, even the beach. And sanitized our hands before entry. I felt pretty safe there.

As I have said plenty of times before “Be cautious, not fearful.” Life has resumed and I am inching my way back in. I can’t stay in a protective bubble forever. I will continue to be cautious with all my endeavors. But I have allowed fear into my life before and have missed out on some really big opportunities. Not anymore. Remember, I want it all and I hope you do too. Continue to make wise decisions for your health and your family, but don’t forget to live. Stay well and whole. Much love 🧡 💚

The view and those waves, Casa de Cielo


“Disease is only a healthy response to an unhealthy environment.” -Brian Schaefer

After listening to the ladies from The QOD (Quote of the Day) book club talking about they believe that their thyroid conditions came from suppressing their voices or experiencing some kind of trauma, it got me to thinking. What if all autoimmune diseases starts this way? We are currently reading “As A Man Thinketh” by James Allen. This book reminds me of “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz. They both make good points but some things just don’t sit right and can piss you off. The topic we were discussing was coming from Chapter 3, Effect of Thought on Health and Body. In the book, Allen says “The people who live in fear of disease are the people who get it.” Also, “Disease and health, like circumstances, are rooted in thought.” I agree and disagree with these statements.

For some people, worrying about getting sick can stress you out and lower your immune system which can make you more susceptible to getting sick. That makes sense. But for diseases such as cancer, sickle cell, lupus, multiple sclerosis, sarcoidosis and any other disease known and rare, that statement just doesn’t sit right. Like I said to book club on the call, I didn’t even know what hypothyroidism or multiple sclerosis was until I got them. I was/am not a person that put any thought into getting sick or being sick. I have never had the flu. I only got one flu shot when forced into it. And colds are few and far in-between. Therefore I cannot imagine my thoughts having contributed to my current health.

Now, when presented with other evidence by people who have also been diagnosed with a disease I carry, I have to give it thought. Even if in the end I don’t agree, at least I am willing to see the other person’s point of view. I developed a thyroid condition around the age of 23 or so. I was a pretty outspoken girl. I would cuss people put for the smallest infraction and my filter was not even half down. But…there was things I didn’t say. I learned that my brand of bluntness and honesty were not exactly acceptable. People were hurt by the things I said because my delivery was off. I still don’t know how to say things nicely. Is it possible that me holding back due to wanting to be accepted caused stress in my body that set something off? Hell I don’t know but why can’t it be possible?

Now for multiple sclerosis (MS). I have a whole different theory as to why I have this disease. It is a little long so I will discuss it another time. I read an article in Momentum, a magazine created by the National MS Society, individuals who are affected by MS the most is black women. I’ll be damned. If black women are not the most hushed up individuals, I don’t know who is. We can’t say shit for fear of being labeled an angry black woman. We can’t even wear our hair as it grows out of our scalp without criticism. We are talked about on every level of who we are born to be. We are expected to assimilate to be accepted in society and when we don’t, the doors of opportunity are not exactly thrown open for us. We usually have to kick them bitches down. Can you imagine a life where you are never really accepted or encouraged to be yourself? No wonder we are walking around with disease in our bodies.

Yes, I am aware that black women are not the only ones affected by MS or any other disease. Men and women of all races experience trauma. Men and women are silenced by parents, authority figures, siblings and their spouses. No one is exempt. Maybe doctors should’ve thought of this idea that was introduced by these wonderful ladies. Instead of just treating the diseases, sit down and find out what is going on in their lives. I bet most people are having issues or stressing about something. Send them to a psychologist if it is beyond their scope of practice. The way doctors are currently treating people is hurting. So it wouldn’t hurt to try something new or approach treatment at a different angle. 

Sean Croxton, the book club originator and host, mention a book by Dawson Church. The idea he presented was that every disease has a frequency, an electromagnetic signature. Our feelings and emotions creates the frequency at which we vibrate. If our emotional frequency matches that of a particular disease over time we may develop that disease. That was interesting too. So many different perspectives thrown around last night. I am going back to watch the replay. I am sure I missed something. Who knows, someone may have given the steps for a cure. These are some pretty smart people in book club.

The question originally was geared towards people contracting the coronavirus in the US. I believe that no matter our thoughts, unless we don’t leave the house EVER, each and every one of us has a chance to get the virus. People who complain about their civil liberties and not wanting to wear a mask are selfish bastards. They have always said the mask is not to stop you from GETTING the virus but to stop you from SPREADING the virus. I see these signs that says “In This Together”,  people need to start acting like it. Handitizer (Chalupa’s word for sanitizer) and masks 😷 on. Not fearful, but cautious. Stay well and whole. Much love 🧡 💚 

Socially Awkward AF

I debated whether I was going to share this or not. I have two other posts that I could shared first. And this story is pretty embarrassing 😳. But who knows, someone may read this and think that is so me, “Glad I am not the only one.” Or laugh their ass off and their day gets a little brighter. 

I am sure or I don’t know if there is anyone on the planet that is as awkward as I am. Most of the time I’m muted because any time that I open my mouth I am always putting my foot in it. I have managed to do that 2 times in the last two weeks (and countless other times my whole life). This last time I just did it I am sure that if a hole opened in the ground to swallow me up, I would have threw my arms up and said “Wheeeeee” as I was sliding down.

So here I am thinking I am being cute and funny (I still think my comment was cute and funny and this could be a whole other issue) commenting to someone on Instagram. I seen this pic and this reply just popped in my head. For some this may be a good thing. For me, that means my filter isn’t working properly and I probably shouldn’t go with it. Lol. But no, I did. Which isn’t even the main issue. I proceeded to message this person with my funny response. I have a unique sense of humor. Most people can’t tell if I am joking or being as ass. Usually I am joking people! I did employ the appropriate emoji (😂) to let the person know it was a joke. Still not the main issue.

I am walking around laughing, thinking I am so clever. I get in the shower and as most of us do, get clear headed. “Oh shit, I don’t think I sent that message privately. I think other people can see what I said.” My heart just seized a little from the memory of the realization. I was taking a chance by sending the message hoping that the other person could appreciate my sense of humor. Now to hope that anyone else who seen it and read it got me too, Fuck! 

I wrestled with verifying my assumption that this message was now out in the world for anyone to see. I decided that verification would only make it worse so I didn’t check. Hell, I have been scared to go back on Instagram since. Lol. The fact is I am 99% sure I fucked up. I am being lenient with myself and so incredibly hopeful with leaving that 1% possibility out there.

I was suppose to be working on my visualization when I was driving around on Saturday, but I spent the majority of the car ride screaming, “Who does this shit?” Me…I do. I know that it is ok to be me. I’m just not sure if the world is ready for it. Hell, I’m not sure if I’m ready for it. I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that I will say and do something else embarrassing (probably before the week is out). The only way I wouldn’t is if I never said anything. Which may not be a bad idea. I just decided that from this day forth I will not open my mouth because I don’t know how to act 🤐. Lol

So usually I wrap up what I have said with a neat little bow at the end. Not this time. I have nothing inspiring to say. Maybe, be you but expect the consequences of your actions. Or learn exactly how to work whatever social media you are using. Or learn from others experiences. I really think I told this story to make you laugh. I wish I could have recorded it so you could hear it in my voice with all the inflections. It would have been even funnier. Anyway, that’s it. Be well and whole. Much love 🧡 💚