God gave us free will and we are using it in all the wrong ways. We are using it for racism, sexism, xenophobia, and homophobia. Instead of using it to make informed decisions about people of other cultures, sex, race and sexual orientation. People are allowing themselves to be brainwashed by what they hear others are saying or what they read. I am always in a constant struggle to make sure that I do not allow the actions of one person to affect how I look at all people. It can be hard to watch a video with blatant racism towards an individual just because of their skin color and not form a ball of hatred that expands and grows to encompass all of that particular set of people. But I don’t want to become hard hearted. I do not want to become like the people I am speaking about in this post.
The truth is God gave us all the physical attributes that define us as human beings. He gave us our skin color, hair texture and eye color. These are things that we have no control over and even if I did, I wouldn’t change it. But it is hurtful and mean to make assumptions or judge me by these things that I was born with. Yet people do it every day. Deciding and determining a person’s worth based on unchangeable characteristics. I just watched a video of a black man being beaten in China with metal poles. I would have been hurt and angry no matter what the person’s race was. I don’t believe in physical violence. But the fact that he was beaten for his skin color, which I possess as well, hits home. That could be me if I was over in China right now. That could be anyone who is labeled African/black. It does not matter which country or continent you are from. Black people of any nationality are being singled out and treated with disrespect due to the resurgence of the coronavirus in China. Now it’s all our fault 🙄.
I see all this talk about togetherness but it is a big ass joke. All the things the world has gone through before this did not inspire people to come together and neither will this. This is just another situation where the blame game will continue to exist and people will be treated unfair. Especially in America. We practice racism, sexism, xenophobia and homophobia on a daily basis. It is so ingrained in most people that they don’t even know that their actions are associated with these words. Then you have fake Christians that use Bible scriptures they interpreted just to justify their actions. When the main theme of the Bible is Love. It doesn’t say only love a particular set of people. It says love one another.
So back to free will. How do we use this fabulous option that God gave us to benefit others? Let’s get more informed on situations. Let us not take everything the media says as fact. I know if you have watched the news at any point in time in your life, you know that it sets a narrative and it is usually a distorted version of the truth. If you find yourself being sucked into the negativity, shut your TV off. It will allow you to process what you heard and dissect the information. Once you look at it, you may realize that majority of it is a bunch of he said, she said. No real facts. At this point you can do your own research and come to a more informed decision. Or you can pray about it and allow God to speak to you.
You can also reach out to people of different races, sex, religion, cultures and sexual orientation to see what their experiences are like. To be able to see the world through someone else’s eyes can give you an entirely new perspective. We can use free will to connect and offer help to someone who may be in need. And it doesn’t have to be a financial blessing. It can be a spiritual or emotional blessing. Someone may just need an encouraging word in these difficult times. Or for you to pray for them. We have to realize, life is still happening even while the world is consumed with a pandemic. So the problems I had before the pandemic or that occurred during the pandemic is still fighting to take me down.
I will say this time and time again. I believe that we were put on this earth to serve others. How we serve them is through the gifts God bestowed upon us. He still gave us free will to use these gifts as we choose. But why not choose to use them for good? Why not choose to open our hearts and hands to benefit others? Why not use this free will to choose to love instead of hate? Instead of making misinformed decisions about others just because they don’t look like us, worship like us, love who we love? Free will is one of the most important gifts God has given us. How will you use yours? Be well and whole. Much love to you all.