I was on Instagram and I follow this guy named Shai Amiel, The Curl Doctor. He is a hair stylist that specializes in cutting naturally curly hair. Like he knows how to bring out the best in your hair just with the way he cuts. I know that when my hair gets longer I have to set an appointment with him. Now I might have to sell a kidney for the the trip and the cut but I think it will be worth it. He posted a picture of this lovely young lady and was celebrating in his work. Her hair was on point. Here is the pic.
The problem is some person decided it was their duty to let him know that the young lady had a great head of hair and pretty much would have looked good either way it goes. Really!?!?!? Why shit on this man in his moment???? But people do that and they do it often. If I am in my moment and I am excited and proud and you try to downplay it, I can tell you the version of Ebony you will get ain’t the good one. It is going to be the one I reserve for the devil or something equally evil. Lmao. Seriously though, stop it. That is not okay and it is just mean spirited. And don’t pull no harm no foul. It was a foul and harm has been done. Even if a person tries to backtrack the harm has already been done. Don’t get me wrong, this message is for me as well. I need to be more aware of what I say to people. If it is not encouraging or uplifting, I need to keep my trap shut.
I know we are close to the end of February and I am not doing good on the goals. I may need to reevaluate what I can accomplish in 30 days. It is not that I don’t have the will or the motivation. I’m lacking a little in the finance department. So my friend who I speak with often told me about a job opportunity. I submitted my resume and the man called to set up a meeting. That should have alerted me right then and there. But it didn’t. I show up for the “meeting” and it is going well. The gentleman proceeds to ask if I was informed of the pay for the position. I let him know I was not but I also did not ask. What is wrong with me people? Who doesn’t ask these questions? That would be me. To say I was surprised when I discovered the position is a volunteer opportunity is an understatement. Now I’m like who and the hell recommends me, who has goals and dreams that require money, for a volunteer position? I’m not going to say his name. I won’t put him out there like that. But bruh, REALLY!?!?!?!
Now I accepted the position. I know, I know. But the chance to learn new and different things just took over and the next thing I know, I said yes. Right now in my life I am not serving. I am not giving of myself and that is not good. I believe our purpose here on this Earth is to serve. What capacity that you do it in, is up to you. I was totally not seeking this out but it was brought to me. There is the possibility that I can benefit these people in countless ways. And after taking a deep breath and remembering my purpose, I am looking forward to serving, learning and giving the best that I have to offer.
So besides not winning the scholarship and accepting a volunteer position, I still have not found a chair for my desk. I was so close. So close. Out of about a hundred chairs, I seen the perfect one. It was on the top shelf, in the back just waiting on me. Or so I thought. I seen the red sticker and knew it was clearance. I know all my little hints is giving this away. The team member gets the chair down for me and it was scuffed up. Like not in one spot but multiple spots. Ugh, what the hell? Of course it was the only one. Here it is.
Now I am obsessed with finding something just like it. Smh. We will not go any further into this crazy mind of mines. Lol.
It was a different kind of week. Mostly everything I touched outside of my normal doings did not go my way. I was mentally, emotionally and physically tired by the end of the week. There was just one thing though. I could still hear a “but”. You did not win the scholarship, but… The job was not what you expected, but… I don’t know what is on the other side of that “but”, but I have faith that it is going to be just what I need. How was your week? What are your goals, dreams and intentions for this week? Please feel free to share in the comments or email me at elsims27@yahoo.com. Life may not be all what you expect or dream, but continue to be well and whole. Love you all.